Episode 2 - Business and Evolution

What does the economy of the future look like? After the inevitable collapse of industries that destroy the health and wellbeing of populations and continue to bankrupt nations; when greed is eventually no longer the driving force behind business, what will take its place – what does ‘love in business’ look like? What is the correlation between money and our kidney energy or ‘life force’ and what would happen if we did business in the understanding that our return on investment will always first and foremost be energetic? In this episode Serge Benhayon reveals why money is not the root of all evil and why ‘God is Business’.

We have been lied to about cigarettes, about the harms of sugar and many other products – “what makes us think that we haven’t been lied to about Spiritualism?” In the second half of this episode Serge Benhayon discusses the true nature of the spirit, spirituality and the Soul — it is not what you might think.


  • Lorraine Wellman August 31, 2018   Reply →

    The depths of what is offered in these episodes is incredible, I could watch these episodes over and over again, so much is packed into each segment.

    • Vanessa McHardy September 2, 2018   Reply →

      Absolutely this one in particular goes into such depth but shows that everything is interconnected and comes down to the quality of our lived days.

  • Shami August 31, 2018   Reply →

    This opening statement by Serge Benhayon, where is describes what Universal Medicine is, is incredible. And personally I really love the way he brings in the ancient part of our origins as being the future of our health and wellbeing, and even our evolution. How amazing that these two words can mean so much and hold us all so beautifully. Which really takes out any possibility that this organisation could be interested in self-gain.

  • Michael Brown August 28, 2018   Reply →

    When it is about people, it is about evolution. As soon as it is about function and profits we are contributing to the same dire straits we find ourselves in every day.

  • Janet August 28, 2018   Reply →

    I agree, Monica. Serge Benhayon speaks of the future for us all, of great love and the highest standards in relationships and business, because he is living this level of integrity now and so can we as soon as we stop accepting less.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh August 22, 2018   Reply →

    The depth of care, understanding and responsibility brought to everything in business is in this episode is Gold. This level of awareness ought to be part of the basic training for anyone working in business. That means pretty much All of us.

    • Rowena Stewart August 27, 2018   Reply →

      So true. When we make Business about People, Integrity and true Service, we naturally align to the qualities of God. What an awesome focus to bring to the work place, one that ignites true purpose in a very diverse area of life and empowers us to appreciate how business is intended to support, nurture and serve one another.

  • Simon Williams August 20, 2018   Reply →

    Great question Ariana – easily answered if we take a moment to consider how our staff and customers feel first and foremost (rather than being overwhelmed with everything that needs doing, or rubbing our hands when we look at the bank statement).

  • Simon Williams August 20, 2018   Reply →

    Why is it such a novel concept that God is in all businesses? If he is immanent and omnipresent then by definition he is everywhere. The only reason we think like that is that business has become this dirty word, tainted by corruption and our own poor relationships with money and work. Lets reintroduce that divine aspect into business, make it about purpose and people lets have more of it!

    • Janet August 25, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, it is so much more expansive to consider everything we do as a transaction of energetic quality, which can make the world of business full of evolutionary activity and purpose.

  • Christoph Schnelle August 20, 2018   Reply →

    If the current health-destroying industries collapse there will be big changes. Coffee a few years ago was the second-most valuable commodity traded (and may still be) after oil, something like 6 of the 10-best selling products in a local supermarket are from Coca-Cola, alcohol and illegal drugs are big industries and so on. On the other hand there will be huge capacity to do things that are more supportive.

  • Lucy Dahill August 17, 2018   Reply →

    I really thought spiritualism was an advance on the negative unloving way we lived but actually I find it worse because it hides the truth from you so you think it is better! The spirit is clearly not to be run away from but it is well worth getting to know the spirit very well.

    • Mary March 3, 2022   Reply →

      Lucy, I’m getting to know my spirit very well and how it has run my body these last 65 years. Not a very pleasant discovery that for most of us we give our power away to our spirit without being aware that this is what we are doing. My life has changed so much since the first Universal Medicine workshop I attended, by relearning how to take back mastery of my own body and to realise that our minds do not care one ounce about our body it inhabits. By listening to my body and not my mind has been the biggest transformation. There will be a time when everyone will use the philosophical teachings of Universal Medicine – Serge Benhayon and our future will be transformed.

  • Lucy Dahill August 17, 2018   Reply →

    It is so refreshing to hear you say it is not about getting rid of things until we understand why we need them. Otherwise we will find another way to satiate the demand and perhaps bury the cause even deeper in our bodies

    • Janet August 27, 2018   Reply →

      So true, Lucy, otherwise we are just kidding ourselves and there is no real honesty about what is really going on within us. Better to be up front and learn, by taking responsibility for the consequences of our choices.

  • Lorraine Wellman August 17, 2018   Reply →

    I love what Serge Benhayon shares about business, I welcome the day this model is embraced by all.

  • Elizabeth Dolan August 16, 2018   Reply →

    I love what Serge Benhayon is saying in this episode about how Universal Medicine is bringing a new way of being in business, relationships, medicine, education etc but that the new only appears new because we have strayed so far away from truth. Really what Universal Medicine is presenting is ancient and well known to us but something that we have chosen to not know.

  • Rik Connors August 12, 2018   Reply →

    I have changed the way I work from being impressed by Universal Medicine’s business model. Their business model is about evolution. The more I’m purpose driven and know with how I work and what impression I leave with each client potentially can impress them to make changes in their life. It is not something I attach to if they do or not .. I just love each opportunity I have to deeply connect to another and understand what they need from me both as a person and their IT needs.
    Thank you Serge for establishing this business model for our future.

  • jennym August 9, 2018   Reply →

    Indeed do we watch Television to expand and grow ourselves and others, similarly is the way we do business offer expansion for everyone?

    • Christoph Schnelle August 20, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, much of entertainment and the media will be changed beyond recognition. So will social media.

  • Natalie Hawthorne August 8, 2018   Reply →

    Thank you Serge Benhayon for bringing clarity to what true business is. The cycle most if not all business are in are so very far away from making it about the people first.

    • David September 13, 2018   Reply →

      Natalie I can’t begin to say how much I have learned and understood about business from Serge, he is a dear friend and mentor and the support has transformed the way I am in business and in life.

  • Carolien Braakenburg August 8, 2018   Reply →

    The way we look at business right now is all about increasing revenue and profit at the expense of quality, sustainability, human well being and the natural resources of our earth. We say we are evolving but we only have to look at the way we are doing business and producing that we are in fact going backwards.

  • Ingrid Ward August 1, 2018   Reply →

    The Universal Medicine model of business also has that ‘breath of fresh air’ you write about where people are put well and truly ahead of profits. It may appear to be ‘revolutionary’ in a world where there is so much corruption and greed in business but Universal Medicine is definitely very successful as a result of the level of love and care for all that it operates with in every area of its business.

    • Carolien Braakenburg August 8, 2018   Reply →

      I agree Ingrid, Universal Medicine shows the success of making business about people and evolution.

  • Carmel Reid August 1, 2018   Reply →

    ‘Developing a relationship with our body and developing an intelligence that makes sense to it’ There is definitely food for thought here because yes, I have been a regular fridge visitor to numb myself from my own misery and I have tried using my mind to stop but that doesn’t work. I like what Serge says, ‘The more you listen to your body the more love you will have with it and work with it and therefore that changes your diet not that you actually enter a diet. So the body educates you by not having the impulse to harm itself rather than the mind saying “I’m not going to harm myself”. And that changes everything. The whole thing gets turned upside down because dieting should come from the body not needing rather than you saying “I don’t need it” ‘

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh July 14, 2018   Reply →

    I love how Serge Benhayon offers a very practical understanding about how our relationship with business could be so much more glorious and fulfilling than we might have ever dreamed of.

  • Lucy Dahill July 10, 2018   Reply →

    If you are going to spend your money, why no consciously choose to spend it on something that is evolutionary? That is an investment that doesn’t need to be the big bucks but the opportunity to have an evolutionary ripple effect is fundamental.

  • Ingrid Ward June 18, 2018   Reply →

    Just imagine if the principles of the Ageless Wisdom were introduced into business. The market place as we know it would change out of all recognition, the care of people will be put before profit and the transparency that will follow will mean no longer will we be lied to. That’s one market place I would willingly be a part of.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh July 22, 2018   Reply →

      It is often reasoned that we could not sustain running a business in this way. However Serge Benhayon is not just presenting theory and the success of Universal Medicine which he has been running for almost 20 years based on precisely such qualities is a testament that you can run a very successful business in this way.

  • Carmel Reid June 18, 2018   Reply →

    Why do intelligent people harm themselves? People who have studied the human body and know how our activities and what we eat and drink or smoke affects us still indulge in these activities. Serge uses this as an example to show that there is a character running us. It can be quite scary to understand that we are not as free to choose as we think.

  • Michael Brown June 18, 2018   Reply →

    The most successful businesses are the ones that grow the product, not compete.

  • Samantha Davidson June 18, 2018   Reply →

    The business of evolution…a purposeful way of doing business, making the evolution of all of us the focus, not in a communist false sense of equality but in a way that arises us all, not keeps us down.

    • Simon Williams August 20, 2018   Reply →

      Not in the communist sense, as there is no problem with gaining a return from something that looks and feels amazing and supports others in their growth. In fact the return is super important so that business can grow and do more amazing work… and not be stifled trying to prop up corruption, inefficiency, laziness elsewhere.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh September 10, 2018   Reply →

      Yes often the approach to bringing about equality is to make sure everyone is the same by in effect making sure no one has anything more than another. But a healthy situation will always come from arising us all equally and never keeping any of us down.

  • Joshua Campbell June 16, 2018   Reply →

    I love the simplicity and joy that comes with working together and not competing. The need to compete feel like a drive to survive and be the best. It feels so simple, fun and deeply harmonious and stilling actually to work together and build each others skills up.

  • Carmel Reid June 16, 2018   Reply →

    It seems to me that wherever there is money involved there is inequality that leads to a ‘me first’ attitude where people compete and step over each other in some kind of competition to be ‘rich’. What I have learned is that no amount of money can fulfil the emptiness that people feel inside. What is fulfilling is for us to work together to provide what is truly needed by all of humanity, using our unique skills and talents in service not purely for personal gain.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh June 13, 2018   Reply →

    Our natural tendency is to work in brotherhood, express our true qualities and contribute to the whole – just look at the natural sensitivity and tenderness expressed by a one year old,. And observe kids playing with one another – our true expression is to work in brotherhood, each expressing our true qualities and contributing to the whole. How come we have divorced all of this from our definition of business and made it about greed, a means to personal security and gain at the expense of others?
    This episode very clearly reflects that it doesn’t have to be this way.

  • Carmel Reid June 8, 2018   Reply →

    The word Spirit gets used and abused and it feels great to have such a clear explanation given of the ‘character’ that deviated from its original divine essence.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh December 21, 2018   Reply →

      The deep understanding of this word alone has the power of undoing so much of the devastation our world is in.

  • Mary June 6, 2018   Reply →

    I personally cannot wait for the time when greed is eventually no longer the driving force behind business, we humanity have created the ‘profit monster’ it has an insatiable appetite and we are literally killing ourselves and destroying the very fabric of our society trying to keep up with its rapacious appetite, we have become so fixated on profit we have left ourselves in the process.

  • Michael Brown June 6, 2018   Reply →

    Through competition we foster terrible consumer behaviours and mentalities. “The customer is always right” being just one.

    • Nattalija June 10, 2018   Reply →

      The retailer is only looking for profit margins is another!

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh May 31, 2018   Reply →

    Many believe that it is impossible and naive to run a business with the foundation of love, care and support of people over and above financial gain. Yet here we have Serge Benhayon who has been running a very successful business with clients from all over the world since 1999 based on exactly such a foundation.

  • Shami May 31, 2018   Reply →

    I love the breadth and the depth of topics that Serge Benhayon is able to bring clarity to. Such as, in an interview that starts about business integrity he ends up talking about the evolution of the human species and its relationship with the whole of creation itself, without changing his stance or tone or body movements, it is all – every topic – approached with the same level of insight, concern for people, and care for everything.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh June 16, 2018   Reply →

      It is gorgeous how in this way when Serge Benhayon talks about any topic there is the opportunity to deepen and expand our awareness and relationship to that aspect and in fact the whole of life.

  • David May 30, 2018   Reply →

    Ariana it would be world-changing, life-changing and probably would transform our entire healthcare system as well as we spend so much time at work that we would naturally change how we work to be more loving and caring.

  • Jennifer Smith May 28, 2018   Reply →

    So refreshing to see respectful and honest interviewing. A conversation that deepens and evolves not only the those in the interview but the viewers as well. A discussion that is medicine.

    • Nattalija June 10, 2018   Reply →

      When all that is shared brings a deeper understanding for humanity to ponder on we have the quality of conversation that heals rather than harms.

  • Jennifer Smith May 28, 2018   Reply →

    Medicine is certainly much more than we think it is. It is how we are in every aspect of life. How we live in life is our medicine.

  • Shami May 23, 2018   Reply →

    Incredible the way that Serge Benhayon lifts the veil off of industry in this interview, as he talks about the reality of supply and demand and how if there is a lie in the supply then the demand is not a true demand but is in fact just responding to the lie. So we must be very careful about what is put out for public consumption because integrity is everything.

  • Ingrid Ward May 21, 2018   Reply →

    When business becomes about profit first and people second it is fairly obvious that greed has raised its ugly head and all sense of responsibility to our fellow brothers and sisters is nowhere to be seen. What is so outstanding and constant about the amazing business that is Universal Medicine is, that it is people who come first, second and third, and any profit is used for the good of all.

    • Lucy Dahill August 17, 2018   Reply →

      I agree Ingrid, it is a business model that is well worth studying. If it doesn’t work once you have considered the ethos and the practice then so be it, but any organisation that cares for its staff and its clients the way Universal Medicine does is worth putting on the table as an example of a future business model.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh May 21, 2018   Reply →

    Most of us can sense with every cell of our body that how business and commerce is run today is not okay.
    Throughout my life I have come across many who chosen to rebel against, attack, manage or try to change the rot that we see …. and I can put my own hand up for every single category.

    Yet here is an invitation to go far deeper in assessing the root cause of what we are facing.

    As always I love the simplicity and the reminder of the simple aspects of life that I had forgotten to include in this area. Culminating in an inspired, expanded and empowered relationship with work and business.

  • Michael Brown May 21, 2018   Reply →

    It’s great that someone is standing up and saying “we are truly in this together, so let’s be together”

    • Nattalija June 16, 2018   Reply →

      Bringing a level of responsibility and trust back into the current state of affairs.

  • Samantha Davidson May 16, 2018   Reply →

    The body does send us messages not to ‘harm’ ourselves, it tells us constantly how to love and care for our body, our mind does not honour us the way the body does, are we prepared to listen and feel, rather than think our way in life, thinking is deeply impacted by the quality we hold our body in?

  • Michael Brown May 1, 2018   Reply →

    Business not for the self, but for the all, is what will evolve us.

  • Matilda Bathurst April 21, 2018   Reply →

    Yes. Universal Medicine is a blueprint for business and our corporate worlds will change when this is adopted.

  • Matilda Bathurst April 21, 2018   Reply →

    I listened to this interview yesterday and it is shocking on the level of what we now accept as normal practise in business (self-gain, lack of care for people ++) and inspiring in terms of how simple any shifts and changes are, bringing our attention to what really matters, what really serves and how we can make a difference.

  • HM April 17, 2018   Reply →

    Love what is shared here on graphic design and it is about raising the whole industry and not to compete. I work in marketing and it is very common for one designer to try and be better than another. But what if the focus was on the purpose on what they do rather than competing with each other? That could be a whole new way of supporting the whole industry.

    • David July 5, 2018   Reply →

      HM So true, the fact that we can naturally collaborate and work together to raise the whole industry is so key and makes everyday business much more enjoyable.

  • Michael Brown April 14, 2018   Reply →

    We have a system to put value on things however we are putting value on what is essentially a human right. Just look at the housing market and you see how we’ve moved from service to profit too far.

  • Natalie Hawthorne April 14, 2018   Reply →

    To be part of company where for example, all they expect is demand profit and in a lot of cases no matter what the working environment is, it is laced with greed. It has been a huge learning for me to be able to working in a senior managers position with all those expectations and then be able to cut through this and say no I’m not going to make it about this. I have made it about the people and connections first. Sometimes I have got carried away with the things that need doing and there is always lots to do but the more I make it about the people everything opens up and you can see and feel how the return comes with an absoluteness. It lays the foundations for the next phase of growth be it the level of work that is delivered to the return of customers that adore what is on offer. Pretty simple really but so easy to get sucked in to having to preform and how capping that really is as a business.

  • Shami April 13, 2018   Reply →

    Needing to have something to believe in order to explain one’s journey, is something I can definitely relate to.

  • Mary April 7, 2018   Reply →

    We seem to have made business all about making money which is feeding a profit monster which has an insatiable appetite. This is causing an imbalance as the shareholders of these companies get richer and the employees get poorer as they are pushed to produce more for less. They feel devalued and their health deteriorates. We have as a society devalued our relationship with each other and to me this is why we are experiencing such high levels of illness and disease.

    • Matilda Bathurst April 21, 2018   Reply →

      Very clearly explained, Mary. A nutshell of the state of play in business today. It is particularly alarming to consider the ‘insatiable appetite’ of the ‘profit monster’.

      • Golnaz Shariatzadeh May 13, 2018   Reply →

        This profit monster with its avaricious drive is increasingly putting hurdles in front of the seeds of true evolution mankind is presented with. True successful business is one that supports humanity to return to expression of the love, oneness and universality we are truly from.

    • David June 11, 2018   Reply →

      Mary that’s so true, when we make business about evolution of people, about relationships and about growth we transform the quality and intent. In that I have no doubt great abundance will come but it will come not from greed but because of the quality of what is offered.

      • Nattalija June 16, 2018   Reply →

        Great quality comes from a great trust on all those that offer a product or service in a business.

  • Michael Brown April 4, 2018   Reply →

    What does love in business look like? It’s probably quite far from what we have as household name brands at the moment, but I would say it’s emphasis would be on the what the people truly needed rather than pushing products to hit margin profit.

  • Samantha Davidson March 30, 2018   Reply →

    I love business, I had no idea I would, until I began to realise that all of life is One and not parts, so if you run a business with responsibility and love (no need to get it perfect) then wow it can feel really enjoyable and inspiring to run a business. No need for it to be hard, ruthless, laborious or intense. The quality we live in every area, dictates the quality all of life and yes that includes business.

  • Joshua Campbell March 29, 2018   Reply →

    What Serge always brings it back to is transparency and its importance. Transparency helps to expose lies and it lets all know where they stand. In that way it exposes our levels of irresponsibility and in many ways is the opposite to ignorance.

  • Elaine Arthey March 26, 2018   Reply →

    Living life from the body, this changes everything. For one it brings more love truth and harmony to our world when we follow the intelligence of the body, this is evolutionary in itself.

  • Mary March 24, 2018   Reply →

    These interviews are amazing in as much that there is such a wealth of information given to the world. Rebecca asks the question
    “Why do we make the choices that might harm us?”
    And Serge Benhayon goes on to explain about the spirit and the body this makes complete sense to me and I wonder why we are not taught this as part of our education. We would have a greater understanding of who we are and what we are here to do than our current way of thinking or living.

  • fiona lotherington March 24, 2018   Reply →

    Business that produces evolution and helps society grow and evolve. This is what business is supposed to be about as everything in life should have a foundation of love, brotherhood and cooperative. So many businesses are not being run like this, even though business is naturally about providing goods or services to people.

  • Samantha Davidson March 23, 2018   Reply →

    The business of living life in full, for humanity, in service, this is what inspires me to work, to live life as one whole.

  • Andrew Mooney March 15, 2018   Reply →

    Wow this blows everything we thought we knew about evolution but makes so much sense to me. We like to believe that when we look around at all the atrocities and failings of human life that we don’t know any better but what if the truth was we do know better and we are actually choosing otherwise in order to have an experience or reality that is different to the harmonious order of the universe?

  • HM March 11, 2018   Reply →

    To have a true purpose in business we must connect to the purpose of business on a global scale. it can never be about our individual company – it is about the whole industry or the whole sector. To connect to this and obey this is to truly evolve in business and Serge Benhayon supports many businesses to see what the potential is.

  • David March 9, 2018   Reply →

    How great is it to have a fresh and deeply personal look at what business can all be about, we are given so much in the world and the question is about what do we do with that. How do we handle that and most importantly how do we do business with real purpose?

  • Victoria March 9, 2018   Reply →

    Yes so true Mary, Serge’s presentations are inspirational. What we have come to accept as ‘normal’ is worthy of our consideration.

  • Melinda Knights March 6, 2018   Reply →

    It’s a really great business model Serge is offering here that the product or service being offered brings love, healing and evolution to others – put simply, does it truly support and advance humanity back to soul? It highlights the differences of some of the current ways we do business, that as businesses we operate as closed independent systems completely focused on security and profit, and without reference to the fact we are having an energetic effect on humanity, who we are wholly interdependent with.

  • Susie W March 4, 2018   Reply →

    I love this business model, whereby a product or service is sold/delivered that can then go on to have a ripple effect of evolution in the customer’s life and relationships. Knowing that this can also, on the other hand, have a damaging ripple effect, what do we choose to offer people in business or even in our conversations as an employee at work?

    • Michael Brown March 19, 2018   Reply →

      I like the inclusion of conversations in this. I’ve seen that at work the interactions between staff is often what then goes on to determine customer service levels during the day.

  • David March 4, 2018   Reply →

    I Love listening to Serge talk about business, evolution and the purpose in what business can bring. The part I have always enjoyed is where we talk about not just building the best product but how do we raise the standards of a whole industry.

  • Michael Brown March 3, 2018   Reply →

    How amazing it is to have this presented, at a time where business, in the most general sense, is all about self and silo’d profit.

    • Nattalija April 17, 2018   Reply →

      A reminder that in brotherhood there is no competition but offering to support equally to each other in bringing the qualities we can all enjoy and appreciate.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh March 2, 2018   Reply →

    If for one moment we drop making life about profit, followers and control, we would notice that our natural pull is toward making it about love, care, harmony and evolution of us All. Most of us think it is not possible to live a successful life in the world whilst adopting the former qualities. Well, here we have a very successful, respected, loved, dedicated and inspiringly productive person, Serge Benhayon, who only ever lives the latter qualities.

  • Samantha Davidson February 22, 2018   Reply →

    I can feel clearly that I have a Soul and Spirit, I can feel the spirt kicks and digs it heels in and does not want to come back to Love, I use this as a message now, if I feel a resistance that has a flavour of selfish in it, I know I am on to the Spirit and I know I am responding to my Soul’s call when it becomes about the All.

  • Rik Connors February 16, 2018   Reply →

    Listening to this interview with Serge and Rebecca reminds me of when I first heard Serge present. So much is on offer continuously. This is what I love about truth. It does not end there is always more. This simple truth exposes the consciousness of the spirit we live under – totally opposite to evolution and true love. We are worthy of and are the same vibration of love that is God.

  • Natalie Hawthorne February 11, 2018   Reply →

    What Serge is presenting is that it makes no sense that our level of intelligence is hurting us. That there is a spirit that if given the reigns will lead us down a path or dis-connection and destruction. What I have loved about walking along side Serge Benhayon is taking hold of the reigns again and in the process calling out and saying no to the spirit and re-connecting to my Soul.

  • Michael Brown February 10, 2018   Reply →

    Just like people are here to support each other, businesses are too!

  • Samantha Davidson February 4, 2018   Reply →

    Running a business where the product or service is about supporting humanity to grow and develop, is often the last thing on the list if it is in the list for many entrepreneurs out there. I run a business and I am committed to supporting my community and not making it a selfish endeavour, we need to put back into society and not take.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 31, 2018   Reply →

    We have made life so complicated and are so proud of ourselves when we come up with complex solutions and clever ways of managing the issues we find ourselves facing. Serge Benhayon’s presentations make it all so very simple by inviting us to stop and deeply consider that nothing is random, luck or fate. And reflect on how our choice to keep ignoring the truth of our beingness is related to the issues that keep coming back for humanity to face time and time again.

  • Sarah Karam January 30, 2018   Reply →

    When I did decide that I wanted to commit to healing my issues and redirecting my life in a positive way, I was met by Universal Medicine (UM) with the most understated generosity that I ever thought possible. I was young and really enjoyed the lectures that Serge ran in Byron Bay, which were awesome. I was not well off finicially and this business, (UM) founded by Serge Benhayon supported me and never let my finical position stop me from attending something I wanted to go to. Over the years I attended many workshops, sessions, lectures and retreats. The way UM is doing business is not new, in fact it is a very old school approach but today, it stands out in the current business landscape, where businesses seem to be geared primarily by profit or external recognition.

    • Matilda Bathurst April 21, 2018   Reply →

      Shareholders might squirm in their seats but bringing the care of, and respect for, people into the heart of our business models will change our experience of work, community and wealth.

    • Michael Brown June 24, 2018   Reply →

      Beautiful testament to the fact that Universal Medicine offers itself to the people not to the profits.

  • Sarah Karam January 29, 2018   Reply →

    The inspiration I felt after attending workshops and sessions run by Universal Medicine, changed my life’s direction from full time party gal, that was going nowhere fast, to a successful business woman, with five children, extraordinary home and who proudly co-owns and operates four local business with the support of my amazing husband. Being deeply inspired by Universal Medicines approach to business and have also adopted some of the foundational concepts into my own businesses.

  • Jonathan Stewart January 28, 2018   Reply →

    Through the businesses founded by Serge Benhayon and the many others that have been inspired by his example, they are living proof that business run upon the basis of putting people first and with integrity that Serge presents is a successful commercial model and not an utopian fantasy.

  • Sarah Karam January 27, 2018   Reply →

    I feel we are not as likely to spend our money on things that actually support us, as we are to spend our money on things that ruin our insides. I know because I was once like this. It is important when you have only ever invested in destroying yourself, that you get a chance to use your spending money on things that do the opposite, that build a body of vitality.

  • Sarah Karam January 26, 2018   Reply →

    Being honest about what our products actually does is so important, we need a society that is educated, so consumers understand what they are considering consuming. The problem is that when a competitor or self-made “internet troll” decides to bring you down on the internet, the consumer is then fed a false representation of your product, which takes away people’s right to make an informed choice. People should be free to smoke or drink and do what they choose, as long as they are told about the affects but we need laws in place that protect us in business if someone is vindictively stalking our livelihood.

    • Lucy Dahill July 10, 2018   Reply →

      Very true Sarah and it is great irresponsibility to not deal with your issues and instead take it to a malicious agenda.

  • HM January 26, 2018   Reply →

    This presents health from the inside out indeed and how we can look at our responsibility of true health and vitality. What is also huge about this episode is Serge Benhayon talking about spirit and soul, and how we have not been presented with the truth of spirit. And how through our bodies we can connect to the quality of our soul.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 25, 2018   Reply →

    I love the way Serge Benhayon constantly invites us to go deeper in the way we relate to life. And it is not left in the realms of an ideal or theory, it is spelled out in very practical and tangible terms. The love, care and honouring that is conveyed when he speaks about how we could be relating to business is truly inspirational and touches my heart deeply.

  • David January 24, 2018   Reply →

    How amazing to bring a truth to business, to make the business truly about people, connection, purpose and not just about protection and security for those that setup the industries.

  • Michael Brown January 23, 2018   Reply →

    True, this interview is not just for business owners but an offer for all to understand and take into their own lives.

  • Melinda Knights January 15, 2018   Reply →

    I agree that everyone needs free choice to buy products, including buying products that are harmful like cigarettes and alcohol, but how free is that choice truly if suffient warnings don’t come with the products that truthfully state the harm that comes with it?

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh February 2, 2018   Reply →

      It goes further at times when there is misinformation promoted to make something come across other than what you are really getting. Eg bogus ‘research’ is circulated falsely as evidence for the health benefit of alcohol and chocolate at strategic periods to boost sales. How I see it is that there should be complete transparency in what products and services offer. Labeling cigarettes as fatal did not stop people smoking, so we know many will continue to choose harmful products. So lets not lie about things and lets be honest about what we are offering and what we are buying.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 14, 2018   Reply →

    Those of us in service roles know well that the best is offered when we work as a team and ensure we are all delivering as best we can, supporting each other where necessary.
    One day soon humanity will realise that work is about service, that everyone in our field of work is our team member delivering the service to the world. This means competition needs to be replaced, by cooperation, collaberation and teamwork.

  • Nattalija January 12, 2018   Reply →

    It does come first and this episode is a stark reminder how often we are led to believe that profit margins are what helps the company to expand and grow only.

  • Nattalija January 12, 2018   Reply →

    To grow one another’s business seems outrageous in our current society as we have been so fueled, to look at our fellow human being as competition and the need to out- do another all to chase the big profits. What has been offered here is the understanding that all benefit when we make way for each person who brings in their unique qualities that cater for mass market and the needs of many which we all know one person cannot do on their own.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 12, 2018   Reply →

    I love this episode.
    Most of my younger life I blamed all the ills of the world on the greed of man and I held money and business as the root of it all. The way Serge Benhayon lifts the veil off all aspects of life is brilliant.
    We can have a relationship with work and business that actually supports us and the whole of humanity to evolve!

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 11, 2018   Reply →

    So many concepts about work and running a business are blown here and what we are left with is a far grander picture of what is very practically possible.

  • James Nicholson January 9, 2018   Reply →

    I agree Jane, what is revealed in this episode is a game change for all businesses and commerce in general and needs to be shared far and wide.

  • James Nicholson January 7, 2018   Reply →

    What a great episode. It makes complete sense that the moment we go into business and make it about people and how best we can serve then everyone in the company and the customers feel it. We can all feel when companies are purely there for the money and it is all about profit at the expense of everybody else, you can see and feel it in the staff who are often begrudgingly doing their jobs. Turn it around and look at a business based on love, that is still making a profit, and the whole persona of the staff is completely different. Often the manager alone can influence the store, say if it is a big company but it makes a massive difference and we can all feel it.

  • Michael Brown January 5, 2018   Reply →

    Business is here to support us to evolve and develop as individuals, not to hoard money or increase margins at any cost.

    • David December 14, 2018   Reply →

      Exactly and what if that is at the very heart of all aspects of business, from people, staff, family and beyond – there is no doubt business can be financially successful and what stands out is when this happens as a result of the team all being aligned and working together.

  • Carmel Reid December 30, 2017   Reply →

    Serge Benhayon points out how experts on the human body are living in a way that harms, such as smoking, drinking and other ways that are detrimental to their bodies. He refers to the character that is running the show that is not true to the body it runs – we have all experienced that moment of numbing and know that it is short term. The incarnate spirit is what he is referring to, and Serge explains how when we develop a relationship with our body, our body educates us as to what it needs.

  • Carmel Reid December 29, 2017   Reply →

    I like the way Serge Benhayon encourages free choice as long as we are not lied to – with cigarettes for example, it is a person’s choice, even though the product is harming. If we loved our own body we would never want to harm it. Evolution not prohibition.

    • Matilda Bathurst April 21, 2018   Reply →

      Yes. Great point. Evolution and inspiration are what will change our world (choice by choice) not dictates and prohibition.

    • HM May 30, 2018   Reply →

      This is so needed in the world. To not have judgment – but to have absolute honesty so that when people make a decision they are fully aware of what they are choosing.

  • Sarah Karam December 29, 2017   Reply →

    It is so great to see a television show that is breaking down the idea that a Philosopher or healer is some bare foot hippie giving out free hugs on the streets of Byron Bay. What I love about Serge Benhayon, is he is as normal as the guy next door but has a vitality and clarity that is out of this world, now that is something we all can learn from. What I have gained already from the living inspiration of this man, has helped me in business enormously.

  • Carmel Reid December 28, 2017   Reply →

    Our way of living has become the ‘norm’ but it is not who we are, I love that Universal Medicine is re-presenting what is Ancient, how we truly could be. These episodes are great to watch they explain all aspects of our lives in very simple down to earth terms.

  • David December 27, 2017   Reply →

    When we look at business in this new light it offers us a way to work in the world that truly supports each other, imagine companies where the purpose was not about greed but about evolution, about industries that were not about simply competing with each other but raising the standards for all others to be inspired by. What if through true business we are able to unite the world and evolve together?

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 24, 2018   Reply →

      Such an insight about business inspires a relationship with work that you would look forward to wake up to.

  • Karin Barea December 26, 2017   Reply →

    What doesn’t this episode cover on business? It’s all encompassing of life and our part in it. For me I’m left inspired to ask, is what I’m spending my money on supporting myself and those around me or not? And if not, not to be harsh on myself but to ask what is going on for me that I think I can’t cope without the packet of biscuits to numb out what I fear is too much to feel and be aware of. To hear diet comes from the body and not the mind saying is, in itself, just one of the gems in this episode.

  • Natalie Hawthorne December 25, 2017   Reply →

    When I hear Serge Benhayon present on spiritualism and how there is a spirit there that works against us being in our Soul, it makes complete and utter sense. The choices I have made that didn’t make sense, didn’t feel great and my body is having to cop it afterwards. Why would we choose such a thing that harms us. Here I see that it comes back to our relationship with our body and making loving and supporting chooses and honouring what it is the body is communicating to us.

  • Karin Barea December 25, 2017   Reply →

    Watching this is a game changer for life. So inspired to bring much greater awareness to what kind of business I am running in life. As someone who has a job working for a company I had never considered I am a business in myself and how I interact, make transactions with the world.

  • Michael Brown December 24, 2017   Reply →

    Working in a business environment can be extremely intense with masses of politics and games being played. What I love is that there is actually a way of being that leaves you untouched from those outplays.

  • Natalie Hawthorne December 19, 2017   Reply →

    The nuggets of gold are endless in these incredible interviews with Serge Benhayon. I just started to listening to this and it was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you So Much Serge for your loving dedication to yourself, the Ageless Wisdom and sharing all that you are with no exceptions, for the all and no compromises. You are a Remarkable man.

  • Kerstin Salzer December 14, 2017   Reply →

    The money and business factor is huge in our world. The question how we use money, to heal or harm us, is another aspect to look how we run a business. If we do not use the money which we are given through our work or business wisely, in effect we are not appreciating the work or the many people and customers coming to our business. How we are with money we are with ourselves and how I spend money has a ripple effect to everything else around me. A huge topic which offers evolution if we choose so. Thanks for this TV channel of Serge Benhayon. It can bring a huge amount of awareness and healing in our lives.

  • Natalie Hawthorne December 13, 2017   Reply →

    It has been an interesting process becoming aware of my ‘wiley’ character, the spirit, that wants to run riot in all that I do. It has made complete sense the actions and choices I have made. Now it may not be as obvious as it was, by the choice I make, and they maybe subtle and less frequent but I can still feel and sense how it is just resisting the absolute divine being that I am.

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