Episode 11 - Obesity, Big Sugar and The Intelligence of Space
Obesity as usual is all over the news… and with diabetes sufferers currently registering as the 3rd largest nation on Earth, it’s little wonder. The finger of blame is increasingly pointed at the sugar industry, but is it so simple that just banning sugar – or at least limiting its intake – would provide an easy fix for this seemingly intractable problem that threatens to overwhelm health systems worldwide?
The consumer must surely play a part . . . but that simply leads to the supply/demand conundrum that has already been exhaustively studied.
In this interview, Serge Benhayon goes to unplumbed depths to explain why the simple dictum, “Just give up sugar”, is entirely futile. It has been tried, over and over, and it has failed dismally.
Serge explains that without addressing the being that resides in the body, and forming strategies to circumvent its control over the body itself, you are simply whistling in the wind when it comes to control over your impulses. And for those who remain agnostic, Serge provides a simple exercise that can clearly demonstrate the energy that is influencing your every choice – and just how irresistible it is.
If you thought that this interview on obesity would take you into the world of gastric-band surgery, fad diets, or government funded health campaigns, you’ve got the wrong channel.
Sit up, pay attention to every word, stay connected, and Serge and Rebecca will take you where very few have ventured to answer a question that is far more than a health issue, but goes to the very nature of our being…
Gill I agree with you and have the experience of being a sugar addict myself, I ate massive amounts of sugar as a child I completely rotted my baby teeth as a result. I can go a very long time not eating sugary things but then I’ll get a craving which can be so intense I have to have sugar it becomes obsessive. I can feel that there is a part of me that can go so far in deepening my self awareness and then it freaks out at the depth and quality of the stillness that can be felt in my body and hates the stillness which is why I go to a sugar hit to race my body so as not to feel what we can all feel when we don’t race our bodies the stillness of the universe.
And the another question Serge raises that needs an answer has to be how come we are more educated than ever before in our history and yet our problems are still escalating. This doesn’t make any sense to me. This is what I appreciate about Serge Benhayon he asks questions in such a way that it asks us to stop and consider if we champion this way of living why isn’t it working? Why it is that illness and disease are through the roof and that the human frame is rotting away?
What Serge Benhayon is saying, makes sense
We do live in a society that does not educate, parent, cultivate, foster, develop etc., who we truly are on the inside it’s all about suppressing that.I can see now that we do indeed live in a society that does not want to feel and then take responsibility for the immense light that we are. After all our particles belong to the Universe and how Grand it that? And should anyone take the steps to reconnect to their grandness they are cut down by society that doesn’t seem to want that reflection. It seems to me that we have developed in a way that doesn’t really want to look deeply into our behaviours and why we do what we do. So we lay the blame at the suppliers of the sugar, drugs, alcohol rather than take responsibility of why we eat and drink in a way that dulls our awareness to the grandness we are. I put myself into this way of living too. Why am I using sugar to race myself so that I do not deeply feel and connect to the light I know I come from? Why do we shy away from reflecting the grandness and beauty of the universe to each other?
It is so brilliant to go beyond the superficial blame game and explore the real causes for the set up we currently have. The truth beyond the supply/demand theory.
I love how Serge Benhayon presents, every time I watch this series there is something more I learn and understand about life.
It makes sense that we should take responsibility for what we ask for, rather than blame what is subsequently pushed upon us.
Yes. As soon as I feel myself wanting to blame something or someone for anything, I can feel my abdication of responsibility. And then I have a choice – am I going to address the part I have played in any situation or am I going to run with the blame game.
I totally agree with you Michael, currently the British government has over turned its ban on harmful pesticides to support the growing of Sugar Beet. This particular pesticide called neonicotinoids kills the insect pollinators such as bees. Understandably people are very upset because of the u turn in the government policy over the use of these pesticides. But surely we all have to take responsibility for what is happening because we are demanding more sugar, if there was no demand for sugar the farmers wouldn’t be growing more Sugar Beet as a cash crop. If there is a demand there will always be a supply.
People seem to get ridiculed for eating healthily these days which seems odd considering the percentage of obese people in the population.
We tend as a world wide society to not look at the reasons why obesity has gone through the roof instead we bury it further away concentrating on the solution, Serge Benhayon brings alive this topic and unravels what is really going on.
Serge Benhayon presents that the body is a vehicle of expression. We have particles that are willing to respond to Universal order, the spirit wants to make the body less responsive, that’s the control it exerts over us. How powerful it is to know that this is its game.
agree with you Ariana that it is very powerful to know that it’s a game, but I feel that it’s quite another thing to get on top of the game when every second of the day we are continuously bombarded with a Spirit and astral energy that doesn’t want humanity to reconnect back to our Soul and our Divine particles. One might consider that once we have made that internal decision to return back to our Soul we should be left alone by the constant bombardment of astral energy, but it seems the opposite often happens. When our Spirit feels the shift of awareness back to our Soul, energetic attacks often intensify, as one person aligned back to Soul diminishes the energy it uses as its own life force. The human race through the use of emotional energy sustains the astral plane, however once we reconnect back to our Soul and our Divine particles it cannot be sustained as it has no energy of its own.
Serge Benhayon talks about “The industry and sugar abuse – you have to be careful not to fall into complexities here, if we attack the s industry, what do we say about the consumer who is asking for it? It’s supply and demand. What about the consumer? Why is it we need so much sugar?” These are great questions to look at that put the responsibility of the degree of sugar consumption on those that are demanding they are provided with it. That’s not to say the sugar industry gets off scot free, they are responsible for the impact of their products too. This is a great pull up all round.
Finally coming to understand the difference between spirit and soul, and the detrimental behaviour of the spirit in its endeavours to keep us from knowing who we truly are, was one the most valuable keys I have been offered by Serge Benhayon. This understanding made so much sense of a life that I struggled to understand for such a long time, and in doing so I got a sense that I always knew there were two forces at play in my body but I simply couldn’t articulate what I felt.
We defend our eating guidelines as if we are in great shape…yet the statistics show the complete opposite.
If we ever get too big for our boots, the stars are always communicating there is so much more.
Invaluable look from many angles. As always a conversation with Serge Benhayon takes the topic far deeper than it normally tends to go, plus we have the space to explore and gain a rich understanding of the many intertwined aspects of human life which have resulted in the outcomes we are currently facing.
The depth that these interviews go to are tremendous, Serge really gives us food for thought here, like all great philosophers Serge Benhayon is reflecting the future now.
The same with a drug addict, simply taking away the drugs will not provide a better/healthier lifestyle, and we must take the same approach when it comes to sugar, caffeine etc.
I agree, Ariana. Putting the truth back on the table.
Whilst this interview starts off as a discussion about obesity and its increasing prevalence, it develops into so much more and the insight and wisdom shared could be applied to so many of our ailments, both physiological and social. Until we address the fundamental point that human life as we know it, is primarily driven by a spirit that has no regards for the body and is only interested in its own individuality and creation, whilst our relationship with our bodies, which are made up of heavenly particles, is a direct route back to our true origins and brotherhood.
Great question Ariana, and my answer to it has actually changed over the last few years. I used to be one who blamed the food, alcohol and tobacco industries for supplying the food and other substances that have been proven to be so harmful to the human body, but now I can see so clearly, that without the demand there would be no supply required. So what is it about the way we are living that so many are demanding products that do nothing to enhance our lives, but actually have the opposite effect?
This interview of serge Benhayon by Rebecca Asquith is so very refreshing for not only the wisdom and common sense which is shared, but for the honesty that pervades every part of it. Rebecca’s honesty about where she is at, brings a reality into the conversation, which in my experience, has been so lacking in any other interview I have watched before this series. It is definitely investigative journalism at its best.
Understanding the difference between spirit and soul is super important because it really does explain how we have ended up in the multiple messes we are in in the world. I always thought they were the same thing and that the soul was something to feel sorry for “you poor soul” but it is our guiding light that never leaves us that is an anchor, a rock, steady as. There is really nothing poor about it.
This is a wonderful conversation about this topic. Perhaps it is not about pointing our finger at anyone, and that it is not even about blaming ourselves, but deepening our awareness of exactly what IS going on, our own part in the whole thing, and what this means in terms of understanding ourselves, our choices and what faces us in life. A wonderful episode that I find supports me to go there and reflect on all of these.
I love these talks! Yes we start by talking about sugar and obesity, but as always we get to expand and deepen soooo much more.
That’s what is so wonderful Golnaz, the way Serge Benhayon seems to take you in so many different directions, but in fact everything connects to everything else. He always full of surprises that are brimming with wisdom and overflowing with common sense.
The quality of our movements can support us to remain connected to who we are or they can disconnect us from who we are. They can help us stay connected to the universe that we are part of or they can make us think that the world and the universe revolves around us. This is the science I would have loved to have learned at school.
Sugar is known to be very harmful by many, yet people continue to consume it, a bit like the case for alcohol, which is based on sugar. This interview would help people have more understanding and awareness of what is at play.
These conversations between Rebecca and Serge are brilliant there is a flow to their conversation it is abundantly clear that there are no scripts that they adhere to. And talking about the spirit this part of ourselves that is so dominant and has it way over us without us even aware that this is happening. We think, we think that they are our own thoughts; but we do not think, we are like puppets we are controlled.
and it is through these conversations that we can get an understanding of just how much we are controlled.
I am such a huge fan of these conversations and this is one of my favourites. I love how they unfold very naturally. You could not plan conversations such as these. Huge respect to Serge Benhayon for taking these conversations into the public arena inviting us to look more deeply at every aspect of life. Even with the topic of sugar. Its not just about the sugar.
Brilliant conversation about “what is space?” We only think that space is empty because we can’t see it with our eyes.
Obesity is not something we should judge as a a thing of its own, but rather see what it is telling us about the way we are living.
To have an understanding that energetically we have a wanton spirit firmly in control of the ‘driving seat’ of our ill-choices throughout our human life of existence is key to discarding this disconnected way of living.
The Obesity Crisis is definitely more and more visible, especially in the healthcare industry where seats, toilets, beds and wheelchairs are being made larger to accommodate the larger patients because large is becoming more and more normal. I feel very sad when I see young children with fat stomachs – it makes me wonder what food they are eating and how much sugar they consume, that does not set them up well for their future.
Our movements are much more than physically moving from point A to B. Its everything about how we move including those things we may not even consider movements to be such as the quality of our thoughts, the quality of our expression.
To me this interview with Serge Benhayon shows that he is prepared to go to the nub of the problem straight away, which is what are we as human-beings getting out of sugar and why do we desire it? And for many people this direct level of let’s say ripping off the Band-Aid and exposing the open wound to society is too much for some. But this level of honesty is needed if we really want to understand obesity and our addiction to sugar which drives the sugar industry.
I really get what Rebecca is saying how through observation you can tell what energy someone is in… her example about a friend seeing criminals in there movements I can totally believe. Makes sense after what Serge Benhayon is presenting that the energy comes in and through us which is what is moving us.
I now know that if my food is out of whack, it is my divinity and sensitivity that I am avoiding. It can take a while to come around stopping the sensitivity but what I’ve found is that my body won’t let me off and will keep asking me to accept what I am feeling.
To understand why I eat sugar helps me to truly look at what is going on and how I support my movements to not need sugar to lift me up. It’s great to be honest with why we go for things and the effects they have on us.
I love how Serge Benhayon understands the body from a being aspect or the energetic perspective. For me it makes so much sense as to why I choose to eat what I do and why I am seeking sugar, so that my awareness is dulled because I have been artificially stimulated. It really does put holes in the belief that a little bit of everything is good for you. Unfortunately a little bit of everything adds up and has one big huge effect on our body. Not only is our body hit with this, but so to is our relationship with our being, for it keep us always at arms length away from our soulful part, that which is connected to the everything and the all.
My favourite term for the intelligence of the universe at the moment is God. It’s helping me bridge the gap between Him and I.
I gave up refined sugar around 10 years ago, and I have never looked back. Sugar is a drug that keeps us wanting more and with no nutritional value. Looking at the mental health states in children rising I am sure this is also to do with the increase in sugar that nationally is happening.
I read the book ‘Pure, White and Deadly’ in my twenties, and so realised how harmful sugar was, and therefore made no place for it in my diet; this interview takes our understanding to a whole new level.
Our desire to eat to the level of obesity quite clearly came before the big sugar push from the industry.
It has been something that humanity has been slowly looking at the intake of sugar and the effects that it is having but there has been no real true exposure of the absolute harm it is causing and that is just on the functioning level. What Serge presents here opens it up to look at a deeper reasoning as to why as our humanity are we avoiding such truths.
The law of supply and demand works on a non-physical level as well as the shopping and retail scenario we all know and see on a day to day basis.
This is a great way to show how much we co-operate and allow what is wrong in the world with sugar a good example. We minimise our perception of the harm, despite the obesity epidemic and few of us even realise how instrumental sugar is in the physiology of gaining weight.
Sugar like salt is one of the most insidiously used products used in food. Sugar in various forms has certainly been part of my life for my whole life. I have had periods of time where I have gone cold turkey and cut it out of my diet in every form. The first 3 weeks was always very difficult, but highlighted to be the emotional need I had to include this in my diet. What I recognised was that there was a part of me that ‘needed’ the sugar. My body didn’t need it whatsoever, but there was a part of me that was being exposed that I was not quite ready to look at.
Our relationship with food, whether it be sugar, salt or even over or under eating is never about the food itself but as revealed here the patterns underneath that are triggering us to numb or allow us not to feel what is really going on. We masterfully chose the items we do so that we are left alone by a world that does not want the reflection of what’s needed to shift these patterns that trigger our choices.
I love the analogy of us being the fish in the fish bowl. It’s so true because we do just keep going round and round in circles. Most of us feel this some of the time. What I love about Serge Benhayon’s presentations on this topic is that he expands on the fish bowl and what it means and the part we play as the fish, rather than just seeing the inevitability of continuously going around and around for nothing.
The sugar lobby has been able to suppress the evidence of the harm of sugar because there is a big demand not to know the true impact of sugar on our body.
I love how the conversation goes so naturally from something like sugar to the magnitude of space.
Serge talks about people walking in a way where they are showing they have been crushed by society. I walked past a man yesterday who was out for a walk and he was looking facing the ground, he rarely looked forward and his arms were not moving, just hanging by his sides. How we move really does show where we are at and how engaged we are able to be with life and all in life.
I love the way Serge Benhayon keeps exposing the many self-created blindspots humanity has chosen to keep running with.
Sugar reminds me a lot of cigarettes – something that started off and in a lot of ways still is a normal, accepted and seemingly harmless part of our lives, and yet is slowly being exposed to be something far more harmful, unhealthy and addictive than we want to admit – and this is the point, like cigarettes and alcohol, sugar is one of those things we know we need to cut down on but don’t want to, and it is only when we look beneath the surface at what is really going on that we will be able to kick the sugar addiction
It doesn’t make sense to have an obese intelligent society, something is missing from that equation.
Could it be that what is missing is the connection with the body that is carrying the obesity around? And going deeper – could the lack of connection also be the the grand and vast love we are all within us?
It feels great to cut down the sugar intake and then refine it according to how it feels in my body. I now hate the raciness that once was completely normal – to the point I didn’t even feel it. I love the term you used Rebecca – ‘sugar abuse’, no question about it, it is indeed addictive.
I love the absence of ups and downs of a sugary existence.
I love eating with people, and making the meal about the family around the table rather than just stuffing my face haha. Definitely still oscillate between the two but know which one I much rather.
Serge Benhayon is a great observer of life and a greater observer of himself in and through life. The detail to which he notes aspects and the whole is quite extraordinary and he communicates this very simply.
We really do need to re-imprint the human condition. For most of us we think that the way we live and its ramifications are just a part of life. We really have stopped to ask ourselves is this it, is this true or is there another way. With life progressing down a more and more devastating track, this will start to occur for most sooner rather than later.
My body resonates with the frequency of vibration and quality in the words Serge Benhayon delivers, Everything is that which is already known, and sometimes uncomfortable when exposing that which is not yet lived in full. Another opportunity for re-fining our choices, movement and expression.
Serge Benhayon presents and lives 24/7 from a deep innermost connection reflecting the grander, bigger picture of God and Universal Rhythms and Cycles. Serge meets everyone in their essence, where all are equal, regardless of nationality, gender or degree success in the world.
That’s huge what is being said that we medicate ourselves to avoid feeling our power!
That we are the ones the making choices to dull our awareness and then we blame it on others rather than taking responsibility for our own life style choices. How screwed up this that!
These TV interviews are so needed because I don’t feel that anyone has approached this topic of obesity and health in such a way that it exposes the choices we make that the industry then supplies. We could take this model and look at the way we use recreational drugs, we demand the drugs so there is a supply. If we stop demanding there would be no supply. So my question is where is our responsibility in all of this.
It is huge Mary, and it makes me realise how powerful we all are, as it appears that so many are medicating non-stop and in a myriad of ways. So what is it about acknowledging our power that scares us the most? Maybe it’s because if we acknowledge it then we know we have to accept the responsibility that comes with it, and that is what makes us want to run for our most favourite form of medication, over and over again.
Haha “whistling in the wind” is a polite way of putting it – I have a different word than whistling that i’d use from experience of letting the being inside run riot.
There is far more to everything we witness in life than what it looks like on the surface. Our relationship with food is great example of that and no one like Serge Benhayon to start to unravel it all and expose what is lurking below the facade.
I’ve seen a lot of articles and documentaries on sugar and the industry. Sure it doesnt support us – but the fact is – and as shared here- that we are asking for this addiction. We are the demand and it is in most things these days.
Yes it makes no sense but we feed the demand and as a society are not willing to question why we want it!
We are beings innately full of love making ourselves bodies full of fat and calories. Time to wake up and smell the sweetness we actually are.
Its a steady commitment to build a relationship with the body and have our connection be about this first and foremost with our inner essence as opposed to be caught up our heads. Loving our body in this way but knowing that it is not be all and end all is key then we have the space to feel and appreciate what is actually coming through us.
Yes, we have the observation, the understanding and the awareness, the space.
I have absolutely experienced that when things are going well, I’ll get pulled to eat sugar or carbs. It is a pattern where I have to appreciate there is much more at play than just someone who wants sugar. What I have come to understand through Serge Benhayon and a relationship with my body is that we are vessels that are used one way or another, and it is about us wanting to see beyond the physical outplay to understand how we are played with.
The joy and utter love, richness and vivacious exuberance oozes out of Serge in his every way and move. He is living the epitome of true health and well being. An inspiration for us all.
Its very beautiful to hear that the only reason why we are unaware of the intelligence of space and that is within space is simply because of the way we move. I have also realised that when we judge something or someone that this is a movement, so to is understanding. All is movement based on movement.
I love what Serge shares about the sun and space. As a result one can’t help but ask, what is space? or even how amazing is space if it holds many suns and planets? We can certainly not say that space is nothing. This reminds me of something that Serge has previously shared…”nothing is nothing.” So space can’t therefore be nothing.
The intelligence of space or the intelligence of obesity – which do we choose?
Such a wonderfully playful and enjoyable conversation on topics that are rarely approached in such a way. One thing that stood out from watching today was why are our greatest minds asking what is going on? We all know that a lot has changed over our lifetimes, but most things are not getting better. Our health as an example. I was in a city recently and 2 things stood out…how everyone is connected to a device be it phone or tablet, whether they are walking down the street, standing on a street corner, travelling on public transport. There is very little engagement with others, unless they are talking on their phones. The other thing that I noticed was the amount of homeless people there were. Why is this not front page news…all the time?
No matter he is talking about, Serge Benhayon always makes sense. I may have to sit with what he is presenting for a while as it often raises an uncomfortable reaction in my body, but once the accompanying squirming stops, the truth is revealed. This episode is no different as is makes so much sense of my old, and often very damaging, eating patterns when I fed my emotions, my exhaustion and even my excitement with foods full of sugar, dairy and carbohydrates. I remembered eating heaps when I was worried, but then when the worry ramped up, not being able to eat at all. It is so obvious that how and what we eat relates to how we are feeling inside and this Serge confirms so very simply and clearly.
What a great philosophical point here in this interview that we tend to think of space as being a void or empty because we cannot detect anything in it with our 5 senses but this does not mean that space is empty just because we don’t detect anything. What if space was very full of energy that we can allow ourselves to become more aware of? This would change how we view life completely.
I agree Andrew what if it’s our own perceptions that are not allowing us to understand that there is much more to space than emptiness. In fact there is no emptiness in space.
A fullness that is only lived when are willing to feel the enormity of ourselves within it.
Yes, Andrew. Serge Benhayon opens our eyes and our hearts to the fact that we are held within a stupendously loving space otherwise known as God’s body, which means we are surrounded by divine intelligence at all times.
How can you give something up when it is the unrest that needs to be discarded, not the substance.
It is so true that in the very near future (15 to 20 years?) sugar will be acknowledged as being as harmful, if not more so, than smoking.
The harm is far greater than we care to know as we are riddled with the levels of mis led research that champions a market based on profit margins over the health of humanity.
Appreciating that the body is the vehicle for divine expression brings a whole more meaningful, deeper focus and purpose to life which leads to fulfilment, harmony and joy.
These interviews are really quite revealing about how we live as a society. No other production is picking apart the issues that we are facing in society today.
I have been told that the medical profession give out medals to people that have lived with Diabetes for 50 years, this shows me they have given up and thrown in the towel. To me it also gives a green light to people to be irresponsible and yet want the medical profession to be there on hand when they fall ill from their own choices.
Society needs to take a good hard look in the mirror and become disillusioned with the facade that it has built up over many many years.
Yes, eating to dull ourselves down and reduce the connection to our power is something for us all to consider. This teaching stops us being victims of life and brings us into the driving seat of how we choose to be in the world.
This episode has so many life-changing revelations in it, if we are open to what is being offered. The part about space blew me away, as I like others used to consider space as being empty, but now I can feel the truth of the fact that it is filled with love and constant communication.
Very very interesting to hear we eat to numb who we truly are. So who am I and what is the power and responsibility I hold? Awareness? Sensitivity? I don’t like to admit I have the ability to bring people back to their essence through celebration of being with them in no matter what they do but by who they are to.
I really appreciate how Serge Benhayon blames no-one for the way the world is, but brings responsibility back to our own doorstep, reminding us about the grandness of our being and what we let take over that diminishes our innate power.
Whether it is harming ourselves with food, drugs, alcohol or other things we consume, it is clear from what Serge Benhayon presents here that our ‘wanton spirit’ is addicted to whatever keeps us away from our innate power and responsibility. This is a wake up call for everyone…
If you ever wanted to know the true difference between spirit and soul, this episode is a must watch. I have never heard it explained with so much clarity, and if we collectively take heed of this teaching and rein in the wanton character known as the human spirit, the levels of illness and disease and the world as we know it will be transformed.
This presentation on movement makes sense to me because I have noticed that when I slow down and move in a way that is in respect to my body, I seem to become more wise.
Wow, quote of the day for me – “The human body is responsive to God directly” (SB). There is so much in this episode and I agree, Andrew, that the link between our movements and the quality of our presence is key to staying true to our divine essence.
When we are aware of space, purpose and true intelligence we have the ‘space’ to realise that we don’t have to crave the foods that lead to obesity and instead can heal what is pushing us to live in a way that is not full of love. As kids we have this natural ability, so in reality we are simply reconnecting to it not learning anything else.
It has been a fascinating journey for myself to explore and get to understand the layers to which I don’t want to accept my power. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have been extremely supportive with this and there has been and still is revelations after revelations exposing what I have chosen to not be all that I am. I am now committed to the best of my ability to not hold back, claim what I do feel and as a result it is exactly as what Serge has said I have been working on letting go of any food issues and it feels amazing.
Yes, Natalie, as we become more honest about the ways we diminish ourselves in our power, we can make more consistent choices to bring our all.
What Serge Benhayon is presenting is Gold. It is well worth considering how much of our perceived needs and daily behaviours are directly to do with a choice to dampen our awareness of our actual grandness and the responsibility that goes hand in hand with that?
When Serge Benhayon talks, there is a universal order of all things that comes in to view. And no longer is this planet and the many lives that are here the most important thing, because when Serge brings in so much intelligence that is simple and beyond this world logical, it becomes clear to me that we, us humans, are on a path of return to something which has not been conventionally taught but is in fact our innate truth.