Episode 19 - The two sources of Intelligence & ‘The Game of Life’
The subject of intelligence is vast, and logically so as life on Earth is determined in every aspect by way of intelligence.
In Episode 18 we discovered that there are two forms of intelligence that we can align to – that of the Soul, the universe, or that of the world, prana as it is termed.
When looking for a reason as to why we persist through the ages looking for a solution to mankind’s manifold problems by tinkering around the edges and refining what manifestly does not work, it would be prudent to ‘think outside the box’ as the term goes, or as explained here, align to a different ‘intelligence’ than the overwhelming majority is currently labouring under.
In this episode the ‘god’ and the ‘ungod’ are identified. The true driving force behind the spirit is revealed. The location of ‘intelligence’ is divulged, and it’s certainly not where we ’think’ it is!
A tour de force awaits as philosopher Serge Benhayon and Rebecca Asquith uncover the biggest game on the planet.
An absolute cracker of revelation and keen insight. Not to be missed.
In Episode 18 we discovered that there are two forms of intelligence that we can align to – that of the Soul, the universe, or that of the world, prana as it is termed.
I had an experience of the two sources recently, I was using LinkedIn as part of my research tool and came across a post which was deriding a famous painter, and one of their claims to fame. I went to immediate defence and hastened to reply to this remark because it was so insulting. Then I was aware of my body it was trembling in agitation, so I stopped writing and just stayed with my body and sensed the energy I had gone into wasn’t loving. It was battle stations attack what I felt was the detractor. then I stopped what I was writing binned the page and came back to myself in the understanding that I had been caught by an energy (prana) that wanted a reaction from me which was to react back to the person who had written the post – like for like energy, which is what the pranic energy wants humanity to do all the time, react with the same energy which then feeds them. By stepping back and reining myself in, I was able to see the outplay of the energy and not play ball, but instead bring myself back to the stillness within which is my reconnection to my essence/ soul. Every moment is an opportunity or choice to be with our inner most essence /soul or allow the prana to run amok within us.
I have discovered that there is so much more happening in life than we are prepared to admit to. I know from a very young age I could read energy, I knew exactly what was happening and why and decided to bury it within me and pretend that energy doesn’t exist. Thanks to Serge Benhayon I have opened up to reading energy again and know that there is nothing to fear in being able to read what is really going on in the world.
It’s fascinating listening to both Serge Benhayon and Rebecca Asquith because I realised that just recently I was having a similar discussion with a friend in the USA who was explaining to me that they had stopped listening to the radio and watching TV because the reporters were constantly reporting gun related deaths of youths that belonged to a certain section of the community and no one had an answer for it, and did society really care? It seemed to my friend that for many, life holds no value, no one has a solution to the gun crime and anyway they said solutions don’t work. I feel that these presentations should be out there for everyone to watch so that there is a possibility of a different way of being. Because as my friend said how bad does it have to get before we sit up and take notice of the dire mess we are all in. These interviews go all the way in explaining why we are in the mess we are in without judgement or criticism.
The fact that there is an intelligence that is always there, with no judgement about our waywardness, ready and waiting with open arms for whenever and for how long we drop back in is something to really marvel about and be encouraged and held by. I call this God and/or Heaven. It is what makes sense of everything.
These conversations just keep getting better and better. The depth, the quality and straight-up-ness leaves no doubt what is being communicated. The rest is up to us.
We so need to have these conversations and to be aware of the two sources of intelligence. Take for example, the energy behind what we are all experiencing at the moment. To me it has the same quality to it as the energy of the so called ‘Dark Ages’ where we lived in fear of the religious clerics of the day that wanted to dominate and control the masses and to do this they circulated fear and suspicion amongst ordinary day to day people. And now we have the same energy of fear and suspicion circulating once again. I wonder did it ever really go away. We need to look behind fear to read energy, if we could understand that it actually feeds off the energy of fear and all emotions that the human-being expresses then we can learn not to use emotions as a way of expressing so that this energy or source of intelligence has nothing to feed off. And if so, are we willing to read when and which of the two sources of intelligence is being accessed?
Thank you Serge for showing me the difference between spirit and soul so clearly
What Serge is sharing is not new, any person who has felt love inside themselves or another’s love – not emotional love, but the unmistakable care, warmth, and unconditional nature of love, has experienced their Soul and God. I know before I met Serge I had experienced many moments of love, stillness, harmony, joy and truth, and that there was much more to life than just the physical. What Serge and Universal Medicine offered was practical support so that I could sustain that love, my alignment to Soul, in daily living. As stated in the interview, aligning to Soul is not perfect, we can drop in and out of it, and I remember that process early on in my studies with Universal Medicine and feeling the profound difference between the two sources of energy and how I felt within each. Although the interview could be perceived as just words, all that is shared is right there before our eyes in human life, the outplay of either source of intelligence is there for us to see very clearly. Thank you Serge because the more I align to my Soul, the simpler and more beautiful life becomes, and the more love and care I can bring to others and to myself. To me the pranic intelligence is the misery, emotion, confusion, isolation and disconnection from self, others, nature and the universe – it’s everything that love is not, even though it may be clever enough to think it’s way through life, and do things like invent technology, etc, but it feels very empty and needs a lot of distraction and stimulation to keep it going. How could it not – it’s not love.
Melinda I have experienced pranic intelligence as you describe so well here
“To me the pranic intelligence is the misery, emotion, confusion, isolation and disconnection from self, others, nature and the universe – it’s everything that love is not, even though it may be clever enough to think it’s way through life, and do things like invent technology, etc, but it feels very empty and needs a lot of distraction and stimulation to keep it going. How could it not – it’s not love.”
I know all about the misery, confusion, feeling isolated and the disconnection from myself and others. And as you say thanks to the support of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon I have also experienced recently the contact with my soul and the difference between the two is stark there is a joy to wake up in the mornings and know there is a full day ahead to just enjoy a settlement in my body which is quite exquisite and to be honest I keep feeling this settlement just because it is such a pleasurable experience something I haven’t felt for a long, long time.
When I was a little girl I would experience on many many occasions a being that could stand outside of the body that was supposed to be me and say to itself (myself) “Oh, I am being that person” and being quite surprised and sometimes even disappointed. As I watched this episode there was a real sense that this was the ungod checking itself out in form and being quite fascinated by it but with not an ounce of care for that body. It could not care less. I have expressed this to people before and there was always this cognitive brain thing talked about where it had something to do with distortion of time in the brain but it never felt quite it. Amazing to have what I so often felt explained so simply. It makes so much sense.
I have heard over the years someone express something when they are drunk and the next day deny that they said what they said
“It wasn’t me, I wouldn’t say that”
And I have said something hurtful that as soon as I said it I knew it wasn’t me saying it but once it is said then how do you retract that expression once it’s out? The other person is left feeling hurt and I feel terrible because it genuinely wasn’t me. So who or what is expressing through us? I feel once we understand that there is an energy we align to either the soul or spirit (prana) then we have a chance of reigning in our out of control behaviours towards each other as we can feel the hurt it does to others and to ourselves.