Episode 6 - Understanding the Beingness that Constitutes the Human Being
What happens before anxiety becomes anxiety? What happens before dementia becomes dementia? What is the nature of our dis-ease before it becomes a physical and nameable disease?
We each have our own favourite flavour that we use to check out and numb ourselves from the mundanity of life. Yet the why remains. Why, when we are deeply sensitive multi-dimensional beings, do we distract ourselves with chips, television, gaming, drugs, and or ice cream?
In this insightful interview Serge Benhayon takes the ‘100 steps back’ from some very human problems to look at the human being when the ‘beingness’ of the human gets denied and buried. Beyond this he explores the vibrant beauty of what life can look like when the being is fostered and nurtured in a way “that society is yet to comprehend.”
And P.S. if you ever felt like you wanted to blame your parents for how your life turned out, even just a little bit… make sure you watch the second half of this episode.
True Medicine delivered right here. So rich with content and sharing, so much is given here. Truly beautifull. One to watch again and again and again and to support us in and with our interactions with ourselves and others. Listening to this episode again I also really appreciated how as we develop, learn, grow and evolve our relationship with the Ageless Wisdom deepens. I have watched this many times before but this time got a different sense, feeeling, awareness and understanding of what is being presented here. Also to appreciate the relationship between Rebecca and Serge and what this offers the viewer in so many ways. We get to see and feel how relationships can be and how enriching true expression and communication can be.
We have constructed a life for the human but not the human being. I have always known there was more to life but after decades of searching for the truth, for that ‘thing’ that was missing it wasn’t until I came to the work of Serge Benhayon that I realised what I was looking for was me. The multidimensional inner being Serge and Rebecca talk about was so buried under hurts, trauma’s, behaviours and patterns, but as that has lifted with the support of Universal Medicine and their therapies I have been able to reconnect to me and begin living from my being again – the ‘me’ I remember knowing and expressing as a child. The emptiness and search for something was actually for the whole me. It’s astonishing really that we live in a model of life that steers us so precisely away from our true selves.
As human beings we find ourselves in a peculiar predicament, we don’t truly know the depths of ourselves as beings, and we have somehow managed to create a life on the surface and made it look normal, and that this is who we are… when we are so much more.
The more I understand the teachings of the ageless wisdom the more I understand life. Understanding life gives me such a confidence that when something comes up which would have been overwhelming in the past and I would have got lost in the overwhelm and emotion I now have the confidence to handle it and move on this way of living is so different to my old ways it’s like chalk and cheese. This proves to me that we are indeed living contra to how we should be living.
I can honestly say that no one explained to me about being consciously present in my body. I saw a psychotherapist for over 20 plus years never once was this subject discussed between us. Looking back over that period of time I would have thought that psychology would have known about this? It wasn’t until I met Serge Benhayon and listened to his presentations that I heard about being present in my body. We are not taught about our beingness either and it makes complete sense to me now that if we are not present within our bodies but living from our minds then we are not in control over what happens. We would not put a ship to sea without a captain at the controls, but we seem to be willing to go around in our minds with no one in charge of our bodies, is this how we can then so easily trash them? Because lets be honest we do trash our bodies
If we don’t acknowledge the being, we are left confused as to why life happens the way it does. If we don’t acknowledge that there is more to life than just physicality, than bricks and stones, we will forever remain fooled.
We have a being inside of us, how can we even question it? The thoughts and the emotions that run through our body. Our 6th sense we observe in sometimes knowing what another person is thinking, when we are being lied to or when two people don’t like each other and they don’t even have to say anything for us to see it, the moment we turn around just as somebody is coming to scare us. All of these things are proof that there is more than just physical. In all of these scenarios we have felt energy, we have registered energy and understood what it is communicating.
There is so much for us to undiscover when it comes to the beingness, we live in a world where everything has to be physical in order for it to be real. Writing that I can see how prevalent it is for me – how much I am owned by my perception & the way I see the world is tainted with that.
“P.S. if you ever felt like you wanted to blame your parents for how your life turned out, even just a little bit… make sure you watch the second half of this episode.” Self-responsibility is where we go here, no blaming anyone, I love it.
How important is it to include the being into the equation, without it we left baffled by what happens around us. Without the being we are left trying to figure a maths eqution without ever figuring out what x is.
To understand why we end up doing what we say we never will do is much needed. In stead of criticising ourselves, we need to appreciate what we are up against.
It’s really obvious that something is missing in human life because even in developed countries where we have everything from homes to material goods, and education and health care we are still turning to things like alcohol, drugs, etc, to take the edge off how life still feels. We are definitely missing our beingness, i.e., being who we truly are, the bundle of gorgeous tenderness, cuteness, love and joy we are born as.
Melinda I agree with you the more I connect to the gorgeous tenderness, cuteness, love and joy we are born as. The more I can feel an expansion in my body as it comes alive with an energy that I have not experienced before, it’s like being plugged into the National Electricity grid.
It’s a lot easier to go through life with the understanding that there is a reason for everything, and not just limiting it to human behaviour.
I agree with you Rachel, understanding life and the reason it is currently the way it is, is very empowering. For example I am craving Sugar but I have come to understand through everything I have learned through the Teachings and workshops of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that this craving is coming from a part of me that does not want to feel what is actually happening in life, it’s a check out. As you correctly say there is nowhere to go when we limit ourselves to purely human behaviour. Why do we want to check out on life so that we can stay human and not be beings in a human body?