Episode 9 - Universal Medicine: Reversing the trends on lifestyle related disease

Lifestyle related diseases are reaching epidemic proportions in the West and all the good advice in the world seems to do little to abate it. Even with the ever-increasing choice of services, food, education and products, we collectively appear unable to arise and live a life which we know to be of overall benefit for the body and being.

So, what makes healing possible? What is needed to buck the trends to bring authentic, consistent and proven change?

Serge Benhayon unfolds the science of living self-responsibility to inspire change in others, free from judgement and simply seeing people for their beauty and exquisiteness first. Well, does it actually work?

The hundreds of people inspired by Serge Benhayon, plus the countless people they now inspire in turn, is well recorded. Universal Medicine leads the way with people enjoying the freedom of being consistent agents of change and healing in their own lives, not only to reap the benefits for themselves but to also show others the enormity of what’s possible.


  • Mary December 26, 2019   Reply →

    Is it possible that we are in the middle of an outplay that has not yet reached the end and so unable to recognise just how powerful Universal Medicine is. If we don’t choose to be truly honest, we are still in the rejection because we want to believe or hang onto a belief we can fix, find another solution, and or wriggle out of the mess we find ourselves in. We have not yet reached that point where we fully understand that the current way we are living is not working. The teachings of Universal Medicine present a way of living to get out ourselves out of our self-created mess when humanity reaches that point of understanding.

  • Melinda Knights September 2, 2019   Reply →

    Knowing everyone as an exquisite essence, regardless of whether they can live connected that or not, is already a huge change to the foundation of our relationships – let alone all the other wisdom shared in this episode!

  • Viktoria July 27, 2019   Reply →

    Love the before and afters, but we have to be careful to not identify with the process because we are already everything, and if we think that we constantly have to work on improving ourselves to reach the “after, after” we will forever hold ourselves as less.

  • Mary May 28, 2019   Reply →

    I first met Serge Benhayon in London 13 or so years ago; he had come from Australia to present at a location in London. In the lunch break I approached him and asked a question about the back pain I was experiencing. Serge sat me down and told me I had endometriosis on my right ovary. That information totally shocked me because no one else knew this fact apart from the specialist at the hospital that had performed an operation, they confirmed the presence of endometriosis on my right ovary and all the scaring this had produced. How could someone who I had never met before have such knowledge about me? Having watched Episode 9 – Universal Medicine: Reversing the trends on lifestyle related disease I now understand how it is possible and how simple it is if we just allow ourselves to feel life and go from there.

  • Viktoria May 20, 2019   Reply →

    When you have experienced something it is very easy to recognise it in others. For example, people who have overcome depression can find it very easy to spot other people who may be in the midst of it, people with anorexia and eating disorders are the same. I am very good at spotting women with eating disorders, because when I was younger I had one. Now when I speak with women, or even when i just watch them on the street, I can often sense women who are struggling with food in a similar way that I did. I can recognize the characteristics because i too had them. This is all reading energy, through watching the movement of another person we can observe the contractions in their body and that shows us how they are living and what energy they have running. It is fascinating, yet so normal.

  • Viktoria April 3, 2019   Reply →

    To change your life is not just to stop smoking or stop drinking, to do those things you have to change your life first – change your perception, the way you deal with tension and the way you deal with pressure. Everybody can succumb and go to their go to’s to release the tension, you can do it through sport or you can do it through drugs, but how many of us are really willing to deal with the tension in a way that it never becomes a tension again?

  • Viktoria March 21, 2019   Reply →

    To say Serge Benhayon & Universal Medicine change lives is an understatement. When I first came across the work of this man I was a teenager, living on the other side of the globe to my blood family. Just like every single human being in this world, I was going through my stuff – family, personal dilemmas and so on. At the time I didn’t think I lacked in confidence, not would onlookers ever guess that the level of self-loathing we allow into our lives can be so deep that we would end up with our head down the toilet after every meal – well that was my life, normal – just like many if not the majority of teenage girls. Coming to meet Serge Benhayon and developing a different understanding of life to what I had built prior has helped me see things in my life with much more clarity, the black and white which cannot be called pink or blue becomes ever so evident. But this organisation does not only help you see the woes, and all that’s not okay with our world, but there are actual practical steps & things that we can do to deal with what’s going on. There is a well of wisdom we can draw from, a room of tranquility we can sit & be amazed in. Words cannot describe the eternal gratitude I have for everything that has unfolded in my life since meeting this wise and ever so caring man and his business. Gratitude not just for him and his business, but for everybody that is associated with it, the people I now call friends and family and every single one of my choices to be where I am.

  • Viktoria Stoykova March 11, 2019   Reply →

    We all grow, go through phases in life and change lifestyle choices – some life-style choices become better, we start to eat more veg, include exercise in our routine and perhaps even give up smoking. Other life-style changes may worsen – we may start to drink more heavily, eat food that is not good for us and engage in abusive relationships. Universal Medicine has supported many people to make beneficial life-style changes, some people have lost 10’s of kilograms, others have given up addictions and third have simply just introduced more self-loving behaviours in their day to day. Many people appreciate the changes in their lives others may not realise where they’ve come to. But one thing is certain & that is that Universal Medicine is there for the benefit of everyone, for true growth and well-being.

  • Michael Brown March 1, 2019   Reply →

    I know they say a picture can speak a thousand words, but the cover photo for this video speaks just one to me – WOW!

  • Alexis Stewart March 1, 2019   Reply →

    What’s so striking about the before and after photo is not so much the physical differences but the difference in vibrancy. The couple in the updated photo feel vibrant and alive, youthful and invigorated. Whereas the couple in the original photo feel somehow scrubbed out, almost like they’ve faded away.

  • Michael Brown February 22, 2019   Reply →

    Reversing the trend of my life was the best decision I’ve ever made. I went from a depressed teen seeking approval and company that didn’t suit me, to a man who loves every single day of life!

  • Ariana February 5, 2019   Reply →

    “Everyone can do this. Everyone heals themselves” And so they do. The gold Serge Benhayon brings here is empowering for us all. I love Serge Benhayon TV!

  • Michael Brown February 4, 2019   Reply →

    Defending a society with this many ills and plagues just doesn’t make sense to me.

  • Ariana February 2, 2019   Reply →

    As Serge Benhayon states, everyone can do this – we can all be inspired to live as he does – from the divine we are. In doing so, we heal ourselves.

  • Ariana February 1, 2019   Reply →

    Serge Benhayon states “everyone can do this. Everyone heals themselves. It’s all based on self responsibility and the enemy of responsibility is to blame others,” To appreciate how far we have come and how far we can walk with this lifestyle healing is extraordinary.

  • SCE January 21, 2019   Reply →

    Serge Benhayon has inspired so much in so many, everyday I celebrate knowing i am heavenly –
    We are all so much more then we currently think, Serge reminds us of our multidimensionality and the fact we are divine.

    • Mary February 18, 2020   Reply →

      SCE what we can sense is that Serge Benhayon is a living representative of heaven on earth and history will attest to this fact. The forces that come up against anything that challenges the consciousness of our current way of living, simply expose the rot that is evident in all layers of our society and produce the inevitable back lash from those puppeteers who control us the puppets.

  • Michael Brown January 12, 2019   Reply →

    I respect anyone who puts aside their own interests to support people on both small and large scales.

  • Jennifer Smith December 24, 2018   Reply →

    Its so important to stop and really consider what is being offered here. In considering our current state of ill health and disease. Its important for us to understand that with this we are being offered a communication. Our bodies are communicating to us about how we are living. And whilst it is important that we have our bodies attended to by way of receiving healthcare we also need to be listening to the communication. Which we have unfortunately not listened to, up until now. If we consider from a population level our bodies are offering us something very great and that is what Serge Benhayon is sharing.

  • Michael Brown December 18, 2018   Reply →

    It’s magic how we can change our lives just by wanting to.

  • Mary December 12, 2018   Reply →

    To me Universal Medicine is leading the way with thousands of people now enjoying a life style which a few years ago would have been beyond their imagination by healing the hurts that kept them back from fully engaging with life. This then naturally shows others the potential in making different choices that are more supportive for themselves, families and friends and so everyone benefits.

  • Jennifer Smith December 11, 2018   Reply →

    When Serge said that “we have run out of time”. I have to say that I have to agree with this. We not only have rising rates of illness and disease, we have increased complexity in what people are presenting with. This includes the complexity in the social and psychological factors that impact on a persons wellbeing. The quality of our relationships also very much impact on our sense of wellbeing. Then we also have what is going on for those who work in healthcare as well. Its busier than ever and there never seems to be enough staff, even though there are more staff than ever before. We only seem to have part conversations in regards to this, rather than looking at health as a whole. The time for finding solutions is over, for they are not bringing what is needed as a whole.

  • Michael Brown December 7, 2018   Reply →

    It seems silly how much we defend a lifestyle that has brought us to the place we stand currently.

  • Matilda Bathurst December 7, 2018   Reply →

    It is very amazing to be free of the years of trying to find a way to get things right in life. The work of Universal Medicine has offered me the opportunity to give myself permission to be in a respectful, listening relationship with my body and to relinquish the torture of perfectionism.

  • Stephanie Stevenson December 6, 2018   Reply →

    How clearly Rebecca Asquith and Serge Benhayon expose the fact that every choice we make has consequences that not only affect our own vitality and wellbeing, but also how our expression (in movement, voice, thoughts) either expands or diminishes ourselves and others.

  • Michael Brown December 3, 2018   Reply →

    What an inspiration to see what’s possible when we apply what we learn in life.

  • Natalie Hawthorne December 2, 2018   Reply →

    ‘The beauty is there already.” – It has been a remarkable process of stripping back what is not of this beauty, to find the inspiration and celebrate the exquisite beauty within and truly feel the power that this holds. This is what I have experienced with Serge Benhayon and how he is with himself and then with others and I can feel how this is equal within me also.

  • Michael Brown November 26, 2018   Reply →

    Reversing trends is just what we need as a collective… this downwards spiral won’t be able to continue for much longer.

  • Natalie Hawthorne November 24, 2018   Reply →

    Each time I am reminded how much the students of The Way of The Livingness have changed like this article and seeing people where they used to be it blows me away. Today it is normal to be around people that are open, loving, willing to learn, vital, joyful and have a thirst for life based on the quality of what they are connecting to.

  • Jennifer Smith November 24, 2018   Reply →

    I am a nurse who walks at work in exuberance of being there. I walk into people homes with joy. Everything I have to do is done in a completely difference quality than prior to be attending Universal medicine. In fact I was trying everything I could to not nurse. I used to walk around in exhaustion, now I walk in joy. I am not perfect and each day offers me something more to look at in many different ways. But this model needs examination because we are doing something very right here.

  • Jennifer Smith November 24, 2018   Reply →

    Rebecca is correct when she says that giving advice does not inspire a change in lifestyle choices. I have seen this many times in my own practice as a nurse. So our choices are not about a lack of education, because there is so much information available, more than ever before and our choices continue on the downhill trajectory. Therefore more of the same won’t change anything despite our attempts. This discussion shows that we can make changes but we need to have a different approach to education and understanding why we make the choices we make.

    • Mary June 28, 2020   Reply →

      Jennifer I agree with you when you say
      ‘So our choices are not about a lack of education, because there is so much information available, more than ever before and our choices continue on the downhill trajectory.’
      I know from my own experience that I left myself out of the equation of life I was so busy playing the victim of it. When I decided to listen to what was being asked of me, to start taking more care of myself, then the life style changes started to happen. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have supported me to understand there are consequences to the choices we make and that playing the victim and blaming others for the ill mental health I suffered were the consequence of me giving my power away. It’s taken a few years to regain a sense of steadiness, but one thing is for certain I no longer suffer from ill mental health or the worry that I will slide back into it again which was one of my greatest fears.

  • Michael Brown November 17, 2018   Reply →

    When we see someone living something we know we could too but aren’t, do we celebrate or compare?

  • Jennifer Smith November 12, 2018   Reply →

    I love what you have shared here Gill…”lifestyle related diseased are a result of our lifestyle”. On one hand it may seem obvious, but on the other perhaps not. I wonder if we wonder what lifestyle means? There is the obvious diet and exercise and there is a lot of evidence in various camps on both. Maybe people find it all too confusing about where to start and what to do? That’s where Universal Medicine has been brilliant because once we start addressing the underlying causes for our self worth and self disregard and we begin to treat ourselves in a more caring and then loving way all of these behaviours fall away. Caring, nurturing, tending to ourselves and loving ourselves, who we are and what we bring to life is lets face it completely awesome for our health. Its so simple that its crazy that this has not been invested into.

  • Jennifer Smith November 12, 2018   Reply →

    When I first began attending courses and workshops by Universal Medicine one of the first things that I observed was the mix of people. There were people from all walks of life, different professions, genders, sexual orientations, race, cultural groups, various ages. This is what spoke to me very loudly initially, especially that there were a lot of men in attendance. Having studied a lot of complementary health care previously this was not something that men attended in great numbers. What I could feel was community, a way of being together. There was no gushing niceness or overbearing welcome. You come if you want and if it interests you or you don’t. But for me there was something that I wanted to hear all about, something familiar, something I knew to my bones, something that I am blessed to feel that I have chosen.

    • Mary June 28, 2020   Reply →

      Too me Jennifer, Serge Benhayon continues to make sense of a world that makes no sense to me. There is as you say something so familiar with what is being presented it’s an echo or memory of a distant past that gets reignited within our bodies because our bodies hold the marker of the truth we walked away from.

  • Shami November 10, 2018   Reply →

    Rebecca Asquith touches on a huge subject here, when she talks about the lecture she attended, where Serge Benhayon gave the reading and no one in the room sought confirmation for what they saw. This is huge because in that I can see how Serge was not seeking to be glamourised for being able to read the location and the cause of the woman’s back pain, and in that everyone in the room was free to leave with out any hooking in or excitement for what they saw. Serge presented a normal and there was the space for this to be taken as such or to be rejected.

  • Michael Brown November 7, 2018   Reply →

    The current trends do not fill me with confidence on our direction as a society… thank god there is another way of life being shown to us all.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh November 6, 2018   Reply →

    There is a great deal offered by Universal Medicine which takes it much further than how we have been approaching our issues in life. It is not about managing them or short term disappearance of the symptoms, but a depth of understanding and care that supports you to deeply learn and expand from what you are faced with rather than fighting it – and the natural empowering and expansive refinement in all aspects of life this inspires.

  • Michael Brown November 4, 2018   Reply →

    The change in the couple on the cover photo of the video is simply sublime.

  • Ingrid Ward November 1, 2018   Reply →

    I so agree Gill, that those ‘before and after’ photos speak of what is possible when we make different, and more self-caring choices in our lives. The changes visible in the photos of the Baldwins speak louder than any words can, making it very hard to deny what is right in front of our eyes. And why would we deny it when it could be the life-changing inspiration that we are seeking?

  • Ingrid Ward November 1, 2018   Reply →

    I absolutely agree with Rebecca when she says that the Universal Medicine business model needs to be studied and replicated, as it is a business that places the care and respect of people first, and has shown that if you do that everything else falls into place. It is a business that has inspired many to set up their own businesses on the same foundation; the foundation of love, respect and integrity for all, equally so.

  • Jennifer Smith October 31, 2018   Reply →

    We have run out of time. What we are seeing now in health systems across the world are confirming this. When we consider that most adults now live with a chronic health condition that we almost consider as normal is of great concern.

  • Rik Connors October 29, 2018   Reply →

    There is nothing more power-full when you hear Serge go for it and turn it up e.g. at the end of the interview. The proof is in how it inspires another i.e. look at how light Rebecca’s eyes look and how much beauty she emanates.

  • Jennifer Smith October 27, 2018   Reply →

    Having studied nursing and many other complementary health disciplines, Serge Benhayon remains the only person to talk about health in such an open way, “all cards on the table” (so to speak). With Serge we know exactly where we are at.

  • Natalie Hawthorne October 24, 2018   Reply →

    Re-igniting and re-claiming the sensitive beings that we are is something not talked about or discussed to the level of honesty and truth Serge is presenting here at the beginning of the episode. For me has been a process of understanding and feeling how extremely important it is and I have more awareness to see how far away I had walked from my innate essence. It is without question that we do feel everything so supporting myself by not checking out and dismissing has and still is a forever deepening process.

  • Michael Brown October 23, 2018   Reply →

    I do keep looking at the world thinking when are we actually going to hit rock bottom so we can bounce back up? Like what does that bottom look like if we are in this position now and it’s still worsening?

  • Michael Brown October 23, 2018   Reply →

    It’s time to put our collective into reverse, not notch up another gear in the wrong direction.

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