Episode 7 - The Science of Responsibility

What is responsibility? Why, for the most part, do we avoid it at all costs? Is ‘responsibility’ obliging to the tedious practicalities of life under the guise of doing the ‘right’ thing? Or could it be more?

In this episode, Serge Benhayon and Rebecca Asquith discuss the science of responsibility. Could it actually be completely different to what we have imagined it to be?

When left unimpeded, animals act in their own best interest. Instead, humans knowingly make irresponsible choices that harm their health and relationships. To unpack this phenomenon, Rebecca and Serge explore the quality that makes up the ‘being’ in human being. Through a philosophical discussion on the difference between spirit and soul they explore why both the health conscious persona and habitual smoker can both end up with cancer.

The layered energetic understandings and sciences Serge Benhayon has become renowned for are explored in depth and the façade of modern life is again peeled back to examine what is really going on.


  • Mary September 16, 2021   Reply →

    Absolutely Ariana as I said in a previous comment if we were taught these principles from young the world we live in would be so very different to the dog eat dog world we live in today. This way of living is so far removed from our true way of being. These episodes of SB.TV are a loving reminder of who and what we are and more of what we are all capable of.

  • Mary December 31, 2020   Reply →

    Rachel you are spot on with your observations on our spirit and soul and their polar opposite different characteristics. I feel our spirit hides within and goes undetected as we have not been taught about the difference between the two, that was until Serge Benhayon started presenting on the differences. Until we become aware of the deceitful and cunning way the spirit manipulates us and we can call it out, we will never be free of its slippery, cunning and conniving ways.

  • Mary June 21, 2020   Reply →

    I am a natural part of the livingness that Serge Benhayon espouses, He has shown the world through his natural way of living that there is a way to live simply and in harmony with oneself and all others. Why is it we don’t take this way of living into our hearts and live from there? Where we are harmless as a humanity, and which ends abuse, violence and war?

  • Mary June 21, 2020   Reply →

    I have started to feel this other part of me Gill the being of the human-being and I can feel a natural power, so that I am developing a sense of what my body can feel. To me this is true sensitivity where I can feel is something feels right or not. Just like animals have a 6th sense I would say I was reclaiming my 6th sense, something I know I had as a child and then lost all connection to as I grew up.

  • Mary December 29, 2019   Reply →

    “The answer to all our conditions lay in the difference between our spirit and our soul”
    Is it possible that if we were to take a deep dive into the science of our spirit and our soul that we would discover the root cause of illness and disease? And the answer has to be a big fat yes, but currently humanity doesn’t seem to have reached a point where we are so ill and rotten with disease that we are prepared to look at this particular science, I believe there will come a time when we will for sure. But like most things we will only go there when the solutions we have put in place will not work any more

  • Mary December 29, 2019   Reply →

    For me Serge is on the front foot straight way when he says that there is a multi-dimensional being inside of us that is worth cherishing and that this is the part of us we show to the world. Not that we are the human that the world has made us to be.
    For many of us we are the human that the world has made us to be, but this isn’t who we are in truth and this is where the inspiration comes into play because we do know that there is a different way to live and be and to be given a choice where we thought there was only one outcome is the best medicine ever.

  • Melinda Knights September 3, 2019   Reply →

    Even though I’ve watched this a few times, I learn so much with each viewing. I certainly experience that part of me that acts contra to my best interests, and when I am in that it can feel like that is the only reality. When I switch back to soul the breadth of love, intelligence and understanding is huge, as is the natural impulse to nurture myself. I also liked the reference to this abnormality not existing in the animal world, it is true and something people have commented about to me over the years, that there is something about us stands out as not belonging to the natural order and harmony nature displays.

    • Mary February 15, 2020   Reply →

      Melinda reading your comment ‘that there is something about us stands out as not belonging to the natural order and harmony nature displays.’
      I had a flash back to my childhood and a Biology lesson where this was discussed as part of the lesson that we as Human- beings stand out like sore thumbs in nature because we are not in harmony with it, quite the opposite in fact. We have destroyed nature and have upset the balance in our arrogance and ignorance that has us falsely believing we are the more intelligent species. But just how intelligent are we when we have polluted what actually sustains us? If we look around at our planet the only one that can as far as we know can sustain life, where has all our so called ‘intelligence’ got us? Just one example of our arrogance and ignorance is that we have decimated the humble Bee by using pesticides and herbicides that kill insects this cocktail of poison also kills our greatest pollinator, the Bee. If the crops are not pollinated then they will fail and we human-beings will go hungry and probably fight over who gets what little food that can be grown. This is just one example of our not so intelligent, intelligent selves.

  • Viktoria July 4, 2019   Reply →

    Do we really still get shock and devastation when a cancer diagnosis is being issued? Or has it become so normal that we just get on with life, continue how we have been going & hope for the best? We are becoming numb because it is happening so often. Yet, we are quite content at not knowing what causes it.

  • Viktoria April 22, 2019   Reply →

    Responsibility is not to tick boxes, it is to perform whatever we are performing in mind with energy and all that it encompasses.

  • Viktoria April 6, 2019   Reply →

    It is not just about looking good, or making sure that we have done everything perfectly. It is irresponsible to do our job and think ill of our manager, it is irresponsible to clean another person’s home and judge them while doing it. It is irresponsible to cook a meal while criticising our husband, children or friends. All of that is felt, all of that impacts those who come in contact with what we put out.

  • Viktoria March 22, 2019   Reply →

    It’s a science, it’s common sense – everything is a science in this world of ours, we just need to be explorative & curious to find out.

    • Mary June 21, 2020   Reply →

      It seems to me Vikroria that we have manipulated science into a mental exercise where we know the results we want and massage the findings until it matches the results we want usually at the behest of the giant corporations that have paid for the research in the first place. This is not true science. In the past we allowed religion to dictate life now we are allowing science to rule over us but what if it was one and the same energy just under a different guise this time round?

  • Viktoria March 17, 2019   Reply →

    How many of us are truly responsible in all that we do? Do we sometimes think horrible things about people only to see them on the street and give them a smile in justification & deceit to hide away all that has been going through our heads? Do we ever do our job & wish we were somewhere else, doing something “more responsible” only to get recognition and a pat on the back for the “changes we are making in society”. If we look at responsibility the way it is presented by Serge Benhayon, we may get shown up for all our irresponsible behaviours.

    • Mary April 3, 2020   Reply →

      It feels to me that as we deepen our connection back to our inner heart responsibility comes as part of the package as it were. I can feel my responsibility to me and all others by reflection deepen as I go deeper within me so that it feels so natural, why wouldn’t I be responsible? There is no effort or trying it is just what it is, a feeling of not wanting to be or act in a way that harms another.

  • Ariana March 2, 2019   Reply →

    Responsibility is a God given gift – but who wants it or thinks it’s important enough to live day to day?

  • Ariana February 28, 2019   Reply →

    The Science of Responsibility is what we all need to learn from the cradle, in primary and secondary school through to our employment and onwards. It is who we are, so why not grab hold of it? This is great TV, thank you Serge Benhayon.

  • Michael Brown February 27, 2019   Reply →

    Responsibility is not something that gets turned on and off. It’s something that is a consistent lived quality of care and awareness of what we are being positioned to be and do.

  • Ariana February 27, 2019   Reply →

    I love this episode, the key being that we save ourselves – now that is empowerment.

  • Ariana February 25, 2019   Reply →

    ‘No one has the power to transform you – we save ourselves.’ We are the ones that have to take the steps, do the work and say no to what is not true. No one else can do that for us and there never will be a magic wand in that respect.

  • Caroline Francis February 25, 2019   Reply →

    To be honest and live in a way that is true to me I am becoming aware of that which gets in the way of living this way, for instance looking at the reasons as to why I contract? We can dull our light and the way in which we do this can vary greatly from one person to the next. Recently I became aware how I react or rather compare myself to another who I regard as more intelligent (mental intelligence) than I. I would contract. I also got a sense of the frustration within when this was happening. However I also got a sense of the discomfort within the other whom I found was intelligent and the game that was being played or carried out. Regardless of mental intelligence I cannot be fooled by energy and the more I see, acknowledge, accept and become aware of energy at play, the more I live the truth of who I am and the true intelligence within me.

    • Mary December 31, 2020   Reply →

      Caroline Francis I feel one of the greatest presentations from Serge Benhayon is on energy and that everything happens because of energy first. Reading energy is so liberating because as you say we can never be fooled because we read the energy coming through someone, rather than being swayed by their personality. It’s a fascinating science and something we can all do.

  • Ariana February 24, 2019   Reply →

    The choice to hold another in love while they choose to remain in comfort or misery, this is huge. Holding ourselves as all we are is the key and a very clear choice.

  • Ariana February 20, 2019   Reply →

    So what I’m getting is that responsibility is not an on-off thing, we can’t park it and come back to it, it’s a no time off deal, as so clearly lived by Serge Benhayon.

  • Melinda Knights February 4, 2019   Reply →

    The idea of health and fitness at the being level is not something we consider, but if energy proceeds physicality then being well at the being level is what could determine our physical health.

  • Ariana January 29, 2019   Reply →

    Far from being a burden, this episode takes us to a place where responsibility is actually a joy.

  • SC January 28, 2019   Reply →

    Unless we want to be truly responsible we always avoid such truths.

    If you look at our worlds history we are drowning in our own lack of morality.

    Our own lack of responsibility is what has kept us in a mess for far to long.

    • Mary November 3, 2021   Reply →

      The Ageless Wisdom teachings inform us all of a different way to live one that encompasses everyone by saying that at our very core we can all access the same multidimensional intelligence of the universe no one is greater or less, the greater or less is a man made ideology that keeps us all down in the mess of creation. By accepting and taking self responsibility we can get ourselves out of the mess we have made.

  • Ariana January 19, 2019   Reply →

    I love this episode, the beautiful, gorgeous, tender being we are within is described in full – this is gold TV.

  • Ariana January 17, 2019   Reply →

    The science of responsibility for me is asking – do I do this for me or do I do this for everyone? Is it about me or is there far more at play?

  • Jennifer Smith January 14, 2019   Reply →

    I hear many people say they are well when they experience quite a number of physical ailments or they simply forget when they are discussing there health. There is an overall expectation that this is what happens when you age. Whilst there is the fact that we live in a body that does age how we age very much depends on us and the choices we make.

    • Mary May 15, 2021   Reply →

      Jennifer like you I hear many people say they are well, but when I take the conversation deeper they actually are not well at all, but are seemingly silently struggling with their ailments. Just scratch beneath the surface and there is a whole different scenario happening that many people do not want to talk about. It’s as though we have to keep up a facade that life is okay when actually the complete opposite is true. I wonder when collectively we are going to admit that the life we are all living is a sham, it is not working as the walls are falling down around us.

  • Jennifer Smith January 14, 2019   Reply →

    Something Rebecca said about the being being wayward given all the medicine we need and the levels of illness and disease from lifestyle choices that we have. Considering this and the being that is running the body that would think that we can essentially do anything to the body and that medicine will be their for us to pick up the pieces of our wayward choices. Medicine and healthcare is now facing head on the ramifications of these choices because what medicine can currently do is only manage symptoms. The rest is up to us and the choices we make. This is not something that only affects the person and their families and those that work in healthcare, but all in the community.

  • Melinda Knights January 11, 2019   Reply →

    The difference between spirit and soul is very distinctly felt in the body, but until I came back to reconnecting to my soul the way I felt as a spirit was reality, it felt like all there was. Now as I shift between the two I am getting more awareness on how each feel and the outcomes for my health and wellbeing when I choose either one as my source.

    • Mary December 31, 2020   Reply →

      Melinda in the 21 years or so that Serge Benhayon has been presenting on the only two energies that exists in our plane of life spirit and soul, many of us as you say are now willing to feel the difference between the two energies in our bodies. What I have noticed is the push back from the spirit when it has been outed so to say, the push back can be quite intense, as it does not like being found out as the energy running our bodies and much less on being exposed, it doesn’t care one jot about the harm it is doing to our bodies as long as it gets its way.

  • Ariana January 11, 2019   Reply →

    Love Serge Benhayon TV and love this episode about the science of responsibility- this is what we all need to know and live

  • Mary January 10, 2019   Reply →

    Having studied the teachings of Serge Benhayon for some years now it make complete sense to me to hear these words
    “to be the being in the world and not the being that the world has made us to be”
    We are living the unease of this and the enormity of it I feel is reflected in our current rates of illness and disease, as we are not living who we truly are and this is impacting our bodies.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 7, 2019   Reply →

    Most of us take pride in our ability to shirk off acknowledging that our choices have an impact and that we set off ripple effects every time. In fact many dream of the day they have loads of money so that they can just do as they please without having to be responsible or accountable to anyone or anything. Yet the true nature of humanity is living in love, care and unity, and we will experience issues with our physical bodies, our relationships and our societies as long as we keep acting otherwise.

  • Jennifer Smith December 22, 2018   Reply →

    What Serge shares about the impact of diseases on the social fabric of our society is very true. I work in palliative care and we see a number of young people in our service and the number of younger people seem to be on the increase. When I say young I mean less that 70. We have a number of people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s who are dying. Whilst I know that death can occur at any age, there is still a proportion of these that are dying before there time and I know from experience that there is a different effect on those around with those that died younger compared to those who died and they are elderly.

    • Mary December 31, 2020   Reply →

      Jennifer I noticed this too, I worked until recently as a volunteer at a hospital, and noticed that women being admitted onto the wards with broken hips were getting younger, it was no longer just the 80 and 90 year old’s. And that in the men’s ward the men that came in with dementia were getting younger too. If this is happening in one hospital, I wonder what other hospitals are experiencing and if it is being recorded to see if there is a trend developing?

  • Michael Brown December 21, 2018   Reply →

    I still feel like responsibility is one of those things that I get on one level, and can live out, but on another level I will avoid for the sake of what’s comfortable for me.

  • Mary December 12, 2018   Reply →

    If illness and disease is a result of living less and diminished from who we truly are then surely we should be supporting ourselves to live in a way that reconnects us to who we are?

  • Michael Brown December 7, 2018   Reply →

    Responsibility is a blessing not a curse.

  • Melinda Knights December 6, 2018   Reply →

    The more I understand and feel the difference between spirit and soul within myself, the more I can see how the energy of the spirit impacts my health in negative ways, and the soul is a vitalising and healing source of energy for the body. Spirit and soul are distinctly different.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh December 15, 2018   Reply →

      If we familiarise ourselves with the difference and observe, the ill and limiting impact of the spirit and the vitalising and expansive nature of the Soul can be felt and known in every single aspect of human life.

  • Mary December 2, 2018   Reply →

    I have never heard anyone explain that there is a being within us that is worth treasuring! I guess that is why we are called human-beings because there is a human part and a being part. This I have come to understand for myself as for many years I only understood what it was to be human, because this is how we are educated to rely on our mind. Since attending the workshops and presentations I have discovered within me this being that Serge Benhayon talks about and it is quite fascinating because the more I allow myself to feel this other part of me the more I want to explore what else there is to find. My family has watched me change over the years from someone who was mentally unstable blossom into a very confident and joyful woman and all because I connected to the being part of the human-being and I can tell you it is so worth it.

  • Michael Brown December 1, 2018   Reply →

    Breaking down the word responsibility to response-ability has redefined it for me.

  • Hm November 27, 2018   Reply →

    Someone once showed me how to flip
    Around the word responsibility so it is our ‘ability’ to ‘respond’. It made it really simple for me. Each time I feel something or observe something – how do I respond to it? In full? Without delay? Without attachment?

  • Caroline Francis November 27, 2018   Reply →

    I find it incredibly empowering when I get a sense of what it actually means to ‘save ourselves.’ It simply makes absolute sense for how can we learn and grow when we think, believe, want and need another to save us. ‘Saving ourselves’ is the ultimate responsibility for taking stock for everything that happens to us in life.

    • Mary May 15, 2021   Reply →

      Caroline Francis, false religions have pitched the sales deal that they can ‘save us’. All we have to do is give our power and money to the church and we will be absolved of all our sins and go to heaven. This is how many religions have become so powerful and rich by peddling the many lies that we have fallen for.

  • Caroline Francis November 26, 2018   Reply →

    When we talk about the being in the human being we can think of it being airy fairy based on spirituality however addressing and acknowledging the being cannot be further from the truth. Unless we tap into the being in the practical sense of everyday living then we miss out on what it actually means to live the being, the essence of who we truly are.

  • Michael Brown November 26, 2018   Reply →

    I love the fact that this is explained as a science.

  • Joshua Campbell November 23, 2018   Reply →

    There must be something more to life than what has been made the accepted way. There has to be answers out there. Well in fact this is when the ill starts. The answers cannot be truly saught outside unless we reach within first

  • Jennifer Smith November 22, 2018   Reply →

    I keep coming back to the section where Serge is talking about how we can live with a terminal illness but we can live with a joy, because the illness is not within the being aspect of ourselves and just in our body. We need to be having much broader conversations about illness and disease. At present illness and disease is deemed as bad if its present and good if its not. We need to look beyond this to see what is really being presented by our bodies. What is it communicating?

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh December 10, 2018   Reply →

      There is a huge wealth of awareness waiting for us, if we are simply prepared to listen to our bodies, keep honouring what is communicated and remain open to exploring and deepening our understanding.

  • Christoph Schnelle November 16, 2018   Reply →

    Saving ourselves – we can be saved, i.e. there is such a thing as being saved and there is no Messiah who will save us. Many people will not welcome parts or all of this message.

  • Christoph Schnelle November 16, 2018   Reply →

    The more awareness you have, the more responsibility you have. You can shy away from the responsibility but would that reduce your awareness as it would be difficult to be fully aware of our irresponsible behaviour?

  • Jennifer Smith November 10, 2018   Reply →

    Alongside the complexity of disease, with people having multiple co-morbidities, we are also seeing the complexity of psychosocial issues that directly impact on a persons physical wellbeing.

  • Melinda Knights November 10, 2018   Reply →

    It’s a great point about the health and fitness of our being, and how this goes hand in hand with the physical body and its health and fitness. I know for me when I feel down or miserable I don’t tend to make great choices for myself which impact my body, conversely if I’m really connected to my being (my soul), feeling amazing, and really shining then my whole body feels alive and amazing also, and I treat myself with care. We really can’t extract the two.

    • Mary May 15, 2021   Reply →

      Melinda I have watched someone blossom as they have embraced responsibility with purpose everything about them has changed. So I wonder if the two go hand in hand because there is no way you can be down or miserable when you have purpose, with purpose responsibility is easy.

  • Christoph Schnelle November 8, 2018   Reply →

    It makes so very little sense how irresponsible we are. We pretty much all do it, behaving irresponsibly but why would we do something that is obviously foolish?

    • Hm November 15, 2018   Reply →

      To be irresponsible can only come from something more than just a physical action. There is a bigger agenda at play for us to not be ourselves.

  • Carmel reid November 7, 2018   Reply →

    We need to be honest about how we feel, we try very hard to show ourselves as being OK when in truth we might be feeling extremely fragile.

  • Carmel Reid November 6, 2018   Reply →

    ‘Nobody has any power over you’ We cannot save another being, we can only inspire them to save themselves. We can give away our power to others and that happens when we try to please or try to get it right. We just have to stay connected and be ourselves.

  • Carmel November 4, 2018   Reply →

    Responsible to not hold back what is within, it sounds so simple, it’s there in all of us irrespective of what has happened to us, even if we are terminally ill, it’s there to tap into. I love listening to this episode.

  • Michael Brown November 1, 2018   Reply →

    Using the parallel of humans and animals is interesting. We are the only species that do many things including sabotage and organised crime and corruption. One wonders if we really are the most intelligent species on earth…

  • Jennifer Smith October 30, 2018   Reply →

    Its very true about our health or rather our illness and diseases are impacting on communities and society in a very big way. We only need to look at the impact this is having on our health professionals as an example. High rates of burnout, suicide, exhaustion and bullying within workplaces are examples of what is happening for health professionals. We have not yet taken this conversation as a community to a deeper level. Certainly not within health professional communities.

  • Rik Connors October 29, 2018   Reply →

    I agree with Rebecca how my body likes hearing Serge talk about self-responsibility and responsibility. It does not get more simpler than this..

  • Michael Brown October 26, 2018   Reply →

    We live by science all the time… if we accept it we are accelerated through life quite spectacularly.

  • Ingrid Ward October 24, 2018   Reply →

    I used to consider myself a reasonably responsible person, that was until I began to listen to Serge Benhayon present what true responsibility is. It was definitely an uncomfortable realisation that my definition of responsibility was only touching the surface and that in fact, responsibility is actually a joy and that when I take responsibility for me and my actions I am being considerate of every other being on the planet; in the past that would have been a very scary concept but today it is something that I welcome and embrace

    • Mary May 19, 2021   Reply →

      Ingrid I also felt I was a reasonably responsible person too, but as you say the level of responsibility we were feeling is only surface level. There is a deeper sense so that every word that is spoken, every move that is made, every thought that we have is non harming to ourselves and the rest of humanity because everything is felt by all. We are constantly communicating but what are we communicating. In this episode we are shown that there is more to being human than most of us have ever considered.

  • Carmel Reid October 24, 2018   Reply →

    Even with terminal illness we can experience the depth and beauty of our existence, beautiful

  • Carmel Reid October 22, 2018   Reply →

    It is always a surprise when ‘healthy’ people get an illness like cancer and the more we can understand health at the ‘being level’ as Serge explains so well.

  • Stephanie Stevenson October 21, 2018   Reply →

    Whatever topic Serge Benhayon brings to these TV episodes, he never shrinks away from living from true responsibility with the purpose of living, reflecting and presenting truth to all – we are all equal, our essence is love, one life, one soul and exposing how as divine beings we are living in a very God-less way. We are here to learn on Earth School to return to Love and Serge Benhayon is an absolute master of this way of being.

    • Mary September 16, 2021   Reply →

      I would add to your observation Stephanie Stevenson is that what Serge Benhayon offers the world makes so much sense, that I know that I would not have struggled in life if I had been taught The Way of The livingness from a young age. It would have saved me a lot of heartache and mental anguish that is for certain. I am just one of thousands of people who have come to this understanding that there is a way to live that is non- harming to ourselves and all others and it is a joy to live this way.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 20, 2018   Reply →

    We have completely twisted the meaning of so many words so that we can conveniently side-step the exquisite magnificence the is our true expression and the power of that when expressed. Here we have the word responsibility returned to its stupendous truth.

  • jennym October 16, 2018   Reply →

    We can spend so much time in life focusing on the doing part rather than really exposing the being part that is driving it all and in total irresponsibility.

    • Mary September 16, 2021   Reply →

      Jennym I have just reached a deeper understanding of being in the ‘doing’ rather than just being. My own understanding is that the ‘doing’ actually requires a huge amount of effort. Without me doing anything, somehow my body has slipped into more of just being, I can now feel that the ‘doing’ has a huge amount of control in it, whereas just being is a settlement in our bodies. To feel for myself that there is a way to live that just allows our bodies to be is very freeing because no one has imposed this on me. I have found this out for myself by applying the principles of the presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. Serge Benhayon gives humanity the tools of life, what we then do with the information given is entirely up to us. Which is unlike any other form of education I know of which I felt was force fed to us in such a way that we just regurgitated the information back out in order to pass the exams.

  • Michael Brown October 15, 2018   Reply →

    I’m done shirking responsibility in my life, this is the sort of interview that inspires great change.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 14, 2018   Reply →

    Serge Benhayon and his family are the most hard working people I have ever come across. In fact my brain can not even fathom the amount of projects and activities they are involved in, and the way they are willing to stop and be with whoever needs their support, on top of their full time paid work and their dedication to spending quality time together as a family. On top of that what I see consistently is how joyful and enlivening the commitment to purpose and responsibility can be.

  • Michael Brown October 6, 2018   Reply →

    There is so much for us to live for in responsibility.

  • Jennifer Smith October 5, 2018   Reply →

    Responsibility is the missing link in healthcare. In fact is a missing link in life.

    • Janet October 12, 2018   Reply →

      Well said, Jennifer…responsibility is the essential ingredient of life and what the majority of us run away from. Serge Benhayon puts responsibility back on the table where it belongs, as we are denying our true nature if we do not embrace how powerful we truly are.

  • Shami October 3, 2018   Reply →

    It is true, the whole and compete writings of Serge Benhayon do make sense like nothing has ever made sense before. But if they are dissected in to parts and those parts are ridiculed, as with anything, the writings will not be understood.

    • Mary September 16, 2021   Reply →

      Shami, when you break the whole to see how it is made up you no longer have the whole. That is where reinterpretation enters. Historians and scientists are great reinterpretators of truth; they change the facts to suit their own interests or the interests of their sponsors who are paying them to either change how history is perceived or to change the research to suit the findings of the company that has paid them to carry out the research.

  • Joshua Campbell October 1, 2018   Reply →

    Serge makes it all so simple. He is a master at that. No matter what complication we can create in human life he sees through it by breaking it into the simple lie it is. It is very inspiring to feel a man so committed to living such truth and such love so simply in every moment of every day life.

    • Michael Brown October 10, 2018   Reply →

      And rather than talking to the drama, he addresses that deep innocence and sweetness we all have.

    • Jennifer Smith December 22, 2018   Reply →

      I agree Joshua. Serge is the master of simplicity. I realise how complicated I can make things and make life to be and how unnecessary it is. As I connect deeper to who I am I feel more of how disturbing complication is.

  • Lieke Campbell September 28, 2018   Reply →

    It is beautiful that responsibility is always about ourselves, how we hold ourselves, how we live and thus what quality we reflect to others. So this throws blaming out of the game because we always have the reins in our own hands, as in how we will react to a certain situation, however off the other person is – that is their own responsibility.

  • Joshua Campbell September 25, 2018   Reply →

    The more and more I deepen my relationship with my body and my soul, the more responsibility actually feels like a grand joy to live everyday.

  • Michael Brown September 25, 2018   Reply →

    I can understand why some would react quite harshly to the proposal that every single moment that we are in affects the All, regardless of who can see us. However, it would be wise to deal with this reaction knowing it stems from a refusal to be open to a possibility, rather than attack that which simply asks the question.

    • Mary February 5, 2022   Reply →

      Michael I agree with you that some react quite harshly to what is being presented to the world. But is that because deep down we do know the truth of the science of what is being presented but have fallen so far from the truth and therefore forgotten the science that to be reminded opens up a can of worms we would rather not address but sweep under the carpet because it all feels to much to deal with? We live within cycles and those cycles are constantly reminding us of who we are and the Ageless wisdom supports us all to reconnect back to the science which cannot be stopped just as we cannot stop the universe from expanding.

  • Matilda Bathurst September 24, 2018   Reply →

    Getting behind the scenes of the facade of modern life to what is really going on. True philosophy and the joy of responsibility on offer. Thank you Serge and Rebecca.

    • Danna Elmalah October 15, 2018   Reply →

      Well said. The scenes have been set up, by us, the scenes we know have never worked. Serge simply shows us that life is simple and can be lived in its full love, by anyone.

  • Michael Brown September 23, 2018   Reply →

    righteousness seemingly advances one, by pushing down others. Responsibility advances one, for the sole purpose of then advancing the All.

  • Joseph Barker September 23, 2018   Reply →

    Take responsibility for your feelings, actions and your life. So simple and yet so many of us are sulkingly skulking around this world like hard done by teenagers. We don’t need to toughen up just finally see there is no one to blame for where we find ourselves – it’s all just a consequence of the choice we made.

  • hm September 21, 2018   Reply →

    My dad is in his mid 70’s – and I reckon he stopped ageing after he chooses to be a part of Universal Medicine. He stopped drinking, changed his diet, and said no to an abusive work pattern. Since then, it has been amazing to watch how fit and alert and vital he is. It shows that there is a quality of life we can choose that absolutely supports us to stay vital and keep on evolving until our last breath.

  • Michael Brown September 20, 2018   Reply →

    Science is not to be proven, it is to be lived.

  • Sam September 20, 2018   Reply →

    I so love that Serge Benhayon shares things as they are, no holes barred. Serge is a mighty reminder of the universal wisdom that is in us all.

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