Episode 2 - Business and Evolution

What does the economy of the future look like? After the inevitable collapse of industries that destroy the health and wellbeing of populations and continue to bankrupt nations; when greed is eventually no longer the driving force behind business, what will take its place – what does ‘love in business’ look like? What is the correlation between money and our kidney energy or ‘life force’ and what would happen if we did business in the understanding that our return on investment will always first and foremost be energetic? In this episode Serge Benhayon reveals why money is not the root of all evil and why ‘God is Business’.

We have been lied to about cigarettes, about the harms of sugar and many other products – “what makes us think that we haven’t been lied to about Spiritualism?” In the second half of this episode Serge Benhayon discusses the true nature of the spirit, spirituality and the Soul — it is not what you might think.


  • Mary March 3, 2022   Reply →

    Monica we know that there are many thing’s in life that do not support us, I over heard a builder say to his mate as he was eating a big bar of chocolate I need the sugar. He wasn’t saying I like eating chocolate he was very aware that he was feeling exhausted and was reaching for sugar to give him the rush of energy he felt he needed to keep going along with a cup of coffee. Perhaps what we need to look at is how are we living life that leads to our exhaustion.

  • Mary December 24, 2020   Reply →

    I was told that a multi-millionaire has an old school report that they have framed, it sits on their desk in their office as a constant reminder of failure if they don’t apply themselves. How many of us went home with these types of school reports? Those school reports were crushing as we were made to feel ‘less than’ it is a total affront to our sensitivity. This person has become very ‘successful’ at the expense of others, they are totally ruthless in their business interactions. When our natural sensitivity is crushed then we tend to fight back and crush other people to get what we want. Is it possible to say we are all set up from a very early age so that we have produced and contribute to a dog eat dog society? So, these series of presentations by Serge Benhayon to me are needed as humanity is being offered another perspective where it is possible to be very successful and live a very enriching life in business without having to crush people in the process. I look forward to the day when ‘Gods’ business is the blueprint for all businesses.

  • Mary December 4, 2020   Reply →

    Rebecca makes a great comment how it’s interesting to see how critical people can be and yet no one says anything about the services that do us most harm, they seem to go under societies radar. So why is it okay to numb ourselves into oblivion and yet the moment we want to take more care of ourselves then that’s not acceptable and society pushes back. This makes no sense to me.

  • Inma Lorente June 28, 2020   Reply →

    Attending workshops and presentations from Universal Medicine is one of the greatest choice I ever made. It’s an investment that enriches my life greatly, I love spending my money, my energy in supporting a business that counts with a team who live with energetic integrity and responsibility. One of the most beautiful things that I can feel from the Universal Medicine teamwork is the respect, the care and the equality they relate with each other. For me is an example of how we could be all Humanity.

  • Melinda Knights January 31, 2020   Reply →

    Great conversation about money and how we can use that for love and healing, not for self harm. Even that point alone is a stop moment as we don’t generally look at money that way, we just spend and consume, but what are we consuming and what is the effect on us and as a result – on those around us?

  • Melinda Knights October 27, 2019   Reply →

    There must be so many harmful beliefs that influence how people do business, including how we view money, profit, and the success of the company above people, integrity, and our health and well-being. It’s a great conversation because business is everywhere but it’s not really evolving, standards aren’t being raised, and self care in how we work, and the true care of our customers, is not the usual foundation in business. There are a lot of repeating patterns in business, for example we were sold the harmlessness of tobacco and that got outed, now it’s sugar – what’s next? We seem to be repeating cycles, when what we really need is change. The relationships we form in business with customers, employees and suppliers, etc, should have the values of honesty, integrity, care, equality, and love, the same values that we would foster and expect with our loved ones.

    • Mary June 18, 2020   Reply →

      Melinda this is a great conversation to be having, I have seen many changes in the work place over the years and the negative ways of conducting business so that the company makes it all about making money, profit, and putting the ‘success’ of the company above people, integrity, and our health and well-being. We seem to have reduced business down to KPI’s which is a set of quantifiable measures that a company uses to gauge its performance over time and that of it’s staff – are they achieving their set targets. To me it is the most inhuman way of conducting business and has us reduced to mere machines.

  • Annoymous July 7, 2019   Reply →

    Wow said like that we all have so much to learn about true business by looking at the interplay of natural around us – true business.

  • Mary May 30, 2019   Reply →

    It is very interesting to question why is it that health care workers, scientists, doctors, dentists, surgeons etc.,who study anatomy extensively still smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or eat food that the body finds difficult to digest. When put like this is just doesn’t make any sense to me, what does makes sense to me is that there is a character within our bodies that seems to want to bludgeon our bodies so that our senses are numb and dulled when our senses are numb and dulled then we are rudderless and easily played with. And if we look at our current way of living we can see this playing out.

  • Viktoria April 29, 2019   Reply →

    I actually love business, the exchange between people, the brainstorming of how to make it stronger, better ideas & working together to provide a better service that can benefit the clients. That is my idea of real business, real purposeful work to bring benefit to all. However, unfortunately the reality is that we live in a world where that has been long forgotten and we are making everything about the financial gain or the market value.

  • Ariana March 26, 2019   Reply →

    Who wants to hear about the future of industry? Who is interested? “What does the economy of the future look like?” It’s all revealed here, yet the business world is all about making the fast buck now, but where does this actually take us?

    • Mary June 18, 2020   Reply →

      Ariana to answer your question about the business world making that fast buck and where does this actually take us. I am watching how it demoralizes the work force, it pitches the workforce against one another and the stress of all this make the workforce ill. I have personal experience of watching this happen around me all in the name of making money and turning a profit.

    • Mary October 9, 2021   Reply →

      Ariana, I cannot wait for the day when as it is written
      ” when greed is eventually no longer the driving force behind business,”
      I am watching on a daily basis how companies are destroyed because greed was allowed to get the upper hand. It is so destructive and everyone is affected by it.

  • Ariana March 25, 2019   Reply →

    To make business about everyone and not just about profits or outcomes, that is revolutionary.

    • Mary June 19, 2020   Reply →

      When we make business all about KPI’s (Key performance Indicators) and base the success of the organization on generating a high return in profit, then from my experience the customer relationship has gone, and we have turned ourselves into human machines. Watching this presentation shows me there is another way to conduct business and business is about everyone as it should always have been.

  • Ariana March 16, 2019   Reply →

    What is on offer here is pure gold – this will revolutionise the business world in time.

  • Viktoria March 7, 2019   Reply →

    I’ve noticed that the answers to the questions are not always direct, Serge always starts 100 steps back to explain the root of the question. I always find it fascinating how something which happened 3/4/5 days ago even a year can have a direct impact on something tiny happening right now. But if a butterfly can cause a hurricane, imagine what we human beings can do.

  • Ariana February 22, 2019   Reply →

    Serge Benhayon has revolutionised the business world for all time, it may take a while for this to be seen in full, but the standard is there for all to follow, thanks to him.

  • Michael Brown February 20, 2019   Reply →

    Being in business is an amazing experience… So many people, so many interactions, so big an impact to be made!

    • Mary December 24, 2020   Reply →

      I agree Michael business can be an amazing experience when we make it about people first and not profit first.

  • Ariana February 19, 2019   Reply →

    It’s clear that setting up a business on the principles of truth and love and you will not be popular with certain sectors. Set it up based on greed and competition and yeah – you fit right in, cause no stir and are perfectly acceptable to have around.

  • Ariana February 13, 2019   Reply →

    What is business all about? Is it a smash and grab, or is it the means by which we all can learn and grow? Serge Benhayon is showing us the way we can grow each other, making business about all of us, instead of just me me me.

  • Michael Brown February 10, 2019   Reply →

    Many industries are a ticking time bomb, delaying the inevitable decline in demand from consumers.

  • Mary February 10, 2019   Reply →

    The way we are currently ‘doing’ business is harming us all because we have put profit before people. There is this drive to feed what I call the profit monster that has an insatiable appetite, companies want more and more profit and a leaner and leaner work force. We can see the effect this is having on our society with the rise in illness and disease our bodies are breaking down through the stress of making this all happen. I hate this way of conducting business because it doesn’t have to be like this.

  • Danna Elmalah February 7, 2019   Reply →

    An incredible science shared, how the business and evolution can come together when we choose. And so, our free will is always ours and what we do with it. The example of breeding products forward that evolve us, is amazing, and we should take this advise deeply with us in society. What product do truly serve us and which ones aren’t? When we use our honesty in regards to our own lives and the work we do, we can bring much more integrity and love in our jobs and lives. Is that not what will feed back humanity exactly what it needs?
    Thank you Serge Benhayon and Rebecca Asquith for bringing out the truth about business, evolution and life.

  • Michael Brown February 3, 2019   Reply →

    If it’s not with people at its core it is without success.

  • Ingrid Ward January 28, 2019   Reply →

    I could never understand why societally accepted intelligent people, including me, used to do things that harmed their bodies. And I could never understand why doctors, who I presumed knew all about the body, very rarely, if ever, offered advice on the products most of their patients were ingesting, products that were probably affecting their health. Along comes Serge Benhayon, and in a very short space of time has answered those two questions, plus many more I had lined up. I deeply appreciate that I have had the opportunity to listen to a man who makes so much sense of this crazy mixed up world we all inhabit, a man whose presentations everyone in the world deserves the same opportunity to hear, and if some say ‘no thanks’ then that is their choice; they will certainly not be judged by Serge.

  • SC January 28, 2019   Reply →

    This blows out of the water the usual business model. This is about love, this is about people, this is about evolution.
    Thank you Serge Benhayon for showing us there is another far more truly powerful way to do business.

  • Michael Brown January 26, 2019   Reply →

    And it will forever be the consumer who shapes the market, not the shareholders.

  • Ariana January 21, 2019   Reply →

    The responsibility that is lived here is immense, to put people before profits and not just that, putting the evolution of everyone before profits. This is not common practice but it is setting a model for all to follow – if they so choose.

  • Caroline Francis January 21, 2019   Reply →

    It is only through our willingness to love and listen to the body will we make the changes. No love for the body and we carry on living the same cycle the spirit demands.

    • Mary April 7, 2021   Reply →

      Caroline Francis, this is a great contribution to the conversation, because to me this part of ourselves that we call the spirit has no love for the body it resides in. It knows it is immortal and can therefore rubbish the body, knowing that it can reincarnate into a fresh body. Because we are not taught the science behind this truth, we then think we have the problem with alcohol for example but actually it’s this other part to us that is indulging in the excess and the physical body cops the outplay of the waywardness. We think it is us that has the problem. Until we can fully understand just how much we are controlled by the unseen force we will always be at the mercy of it.

  • Michael Brown January 18, 2019   Reply →

    Is it about making money or making a difference?

  • Ariana January 6, 2019   Reply →

    Business in the world today seems to mean one thing – money. There is a cash concept that rules the roost, but this is being knocked off it’s perch here – Serge Benhayon is presenting a whole other way to do business that is based on evolution and not greed.

  • Jennifer Smith December 31, 2018   Reply →

    And if businesses that did similar work had a relationship where they were supportive of those businesses where they helped grow each others business would soon show that competition leaves us all very short.

  • Jennifer Smith December 31, 2018   Reply →

    Allowing people to make a true choice when the truth of something is known is fundamental to a free society. For people now who choose to smoke, they now know that what they are doing is causing harm to their body, there is now no longer any myths or lies about cigarette smoking. I did a smoking cessation course as part of my work and Australia is known in the tobacco industry as a ‘dark market’ because of the restrictions and very clear labelling of the harm of smoking. So much so that other countries and followed Australia’s lead on this. This benefits everyone for the simple fact that the truth is out in the open. It may or may not lead to behaviour change, but there is no-one pulling any wool over anyone’s eyes about the impact of smoking on our health.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh January 11, 2019   Reply →

      As you say stating that something is harmful may not change consumer behaviour, as we so clearly see with the labeling about the harm of cigarettes, and there is the element of consumer demand which keeps the supply going. However this is allowing the consumer free choice and leaving them to in their own time choose to see and address their ‘now-conscious-choice’ of harming themselves.
      Transparency and absolute honesty about products and services can not ever be negotiable.

    • Mary December 24, 2020   Reply →

      I feel you have something here Jennifer Smith
      “there is no-one pulling any wool over anyone’s eyes about the impact of smoking on our health.”
      It’s taken many years for society to accept that smoking is very detrimental to our health, and there are a myriad of other things that we use as a distraction or to numb ourselves from feeling the perpetual unrest in our bodies. When we are given the truth of anything then we have a choice to accept the truth and make any changes necessary, or deny the truth and carry on as before, but we cannot ever say we didn’t know.

  • Michael Brown December 31, 2018   Reply →

    We will always be stronger together – ‘divide and conquer’ has a far greater prevalence than we think.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh December 30, 2018   Reply →

    The approach to business shared about in this episode is profound and makes so much sense. It ought to be included as a foundational part for any business assessment or training.

  • Gabriele Conrad December 12, 2018   Reply →

    As we conquer the evil that is greed, everything changes and there will no longer be the vast fluctuations in our economic cycles as we have recently witnessed in what is called the global financial crisis, entirely founded on in steeped in greed and fierce competition.

  • Ingrid Ward December 11, 2018   Reply →

    The wisest investment I have ever made was in the first workshop, presented by Serge Benhayon, I attended 14 years ago, as from two amazing days I had more insights into my life and the world around me than I had ever had; life and my place in it finally began to make sense. And I have chosen to continue to make these wise investments and as a result my life today is unrecognisable from the one I used to live. Improved health and well-being, more joy than ever, the list of the bonuses from this investment goes on, and I know that they will continue to until the end of this life, and beyond.

    • Mary December 4, 2020   Reply →

      I totally agree with you Ingrid Ward, the wisest investment for me too was to attend the workshop of Serge Benhayon, every workshop since has supported me to understand myself and the world around me, so that I’m not blindsided by what is happening in our society. I speak to many people around the world and a lot of those people feel helpless and afraid of what is happening to them, their families and are worried about the senseless destruction of our planet, where else are we going to live if we destroy this planet is a question often asked. I feel that if I have not attended the workshop and presentations of Serge Benhayon I too would be feeling helpless and despairing of the downward spiral we all seem to be going in. I’m not despairing at all quite upbeat actually. I cannot change the world, but I can change me and the way I interact with the world and the people in it. Through the teachings of Serge Benhayon I am relearning how to accept and love myself, this has a positive effect on everything I do and say. So much so that it can be felt, as people say to me that they feel so much better after they have spoken to me, they are sensing the love I hold myself in and with, and it gives them a sense of settlement, the same sense of settlement I deepen into when I attend the workshop and presentations of Serge Benhayon.

  • Michael Brown December 10, 2018   Reply →

    Only when we decide we have had enough will the supply start to change.

  • Christoph Schnelle December 7, 2018   Reply →

    The businesses that have a negative impact on our health are very big at the moment – much of the entertainment industry, much of the processed food industry and so on. Interestingly they respond very quickly to pressure – a small sugar tax is enough for most of them to remove the majority of the sugar from their drinks. If there ever was demand for businesses that do not damage our health the supply would be available very quickly.

    • Gabriele Conrad December 12, 2018   Reply →

      Supply and demand, as always they go hand in hand.And once the demand dwindles, the suppliers soon come to their senses, whether that be the media, the entertainment and food industries or the way we treat each other, for that matter.

      • Mary December 24, 2020   Reply →

        Given what you have written Gabriele Conrad then we have to ask the question supply and demand go hand in hand, what are we as human-beings demanding ?

  • Michael Brown December 7, 2018   Reply →

    Before any transaction or exchange, there is a human connection first. Everything after that depends on the quality of that connection.

  • Alison Pearson November 29, 2018   Reply →

    How amazing it will be when we start to truly live and work with love and integrity, honouring who we all are, rather than the dis-regarding, dis-respectful, unloving way that we, most often, currently do business.

  • Alison Pearson November 29, 2018   Reply →

    Everything about doing business will change when with every choice we make, we consider everyone, not just our selves.

  • Michael Brown November 28, 2018   Reply →

    “God is business” is such a cool line – sounds like it’s from an action movie. But the message is deep in it’s delivery. Do we want to do Business or stay ‘unemployed’?

    • Caroline Francis January 21, 2019   Reply →

      I find it interesting when something is said such as ‘God is business’ and it disturbs me in some way. The pictures, ideals and beliefs I have held in my body about God, business, money and work begin to get exposed as I feel them and let them go, re-configuring to the truth of what is being said. Three words yet when said together are incredibly powerful supporting me to have a greater understanding of not only the truth of the words but also the relationship and true meaning between God and business in the world for in truth I cannot have one without the other.

  • Melinda Knights November 27, 2018   Reply →

    One of my favourite words is integrity and it’s meaning of something that is whole. Integrity in business means bringing your whole true self and not letting go of values or principles to corrupt the wholeness or purity of who you are. Equally a business has integrity by supplying great service and quality products that also support another person’s wholeness (without harming or corrupting their wholeness), as well as supporting the integrity of our communities

    • Alison Pearson November 29, 2018   Reply →

      I love what you share here, Melinda – feels like integrity is understanding and honouring that we are all an equal part of a whole and when we are not bringing our whole true self, everyone looses out.

  • Michael Brown November 24, 2018   Reply →

    You’d think that this formula would be well-practiced looking at the obvious win-win situation it leaves both parties in but for some reason we entertain the antithesis of this.

  • Ingrid Ward November 20, 2018   Reply →

    I am starting to see, that although as human beings we consider ourselves to be intelligent, we are often choosing to misuse this highly lauded intelligence, such as when we knowingly ignore something which is harmful to us, e.g. smoking cigarettes when we are fully aware of their potential danger. But what I am also starting to see, is that if we are taught to honour and respect our bodies from young, we would naturally connect to our true intelligence, that of our body, and therefore there would be no way we could harm it. Now that, to me, is true intelligence.

  • Jennifer Smith November 15, 2018   Reply →

    How we spend our money and what we invest in is important. But even more important that the how we spend our money is the why we invest in what we invest in? Do we invest in things that advance us and offer us a platform that raises our own bar or is it about seeking relief from life? Universal Medicine always offers more and always offers a new platform which I can apply to the life I live. No rules, no have to’s, but always more to observe, consider and adjust.

  • Carmel Reid November 13, 2018   Reply →

    Adam and Eve as a symbolic story, apes becoming extinct as a result of our human behaviour, Serge Benhayon blows our beliefs about evolution out of the water. Where are all the millions of neanderthal skulls that could prove the current theories? But, he shares, it’s not about that or having an argument – we are at war with ourselves and have been at war non-stop for hundreds of years, we need to take responsibility for dealing with our lack of harmony with each other.

  • Carmel Reid November 8, 2018   Reply →

    ‘We must be given free choice so long as we are not lied to’ there are many con tricks being played on us, in marketing where a particular image is associated with a product to create a desire and in shop displays of pricing where products are listed as $15.99 for example often with the .99 written smaller to make you think it is only $15. Or a UK newspaper that said in large writing 5p (so you think it only costs 5p) but the smaller print says ‘less than the Daily Mail’ – to me that is a totally unethical con.

  • Christoph Schnelle November 8, 2018   Reply →

    It is entirely possible to build a business not based on greed and to do very well – the greed may then come in and try to get that bit more that will destroy the reputation of the business. This has happened in the Australian banking sector. The most successful bank may have got there by employing greed and it had to endure the biggest damage to its reputation. Greed was very expensive here.

  • Lieke Campbell November 2, 2018   Reply →

    I love the point that our choice of diet has to come from a body not needing disregard or dullness or dampness to ‘medicate’ instead as a choice we make in our minds because we want to be better. And the only way to have our body not needing these things is by being super loving with ourselves in all parts of our life. Then naturally the diet will change.

  • Shami October 29, 2018   Reply →

    One of the things that I so dearly love about Rebecca Asquith, is that she has yes to wanting to know more. Rebecca’s deeply inquisitive nature is so beautiful, and it fills me with joy every time I watch her in interview Serge Benhayon.

    • Ingrid Ward November 20, 2018   Reply →

      I agree totally Shami. Rebecca Asquith’s natural inquisitiveness is so refreshing in a world where most interviewers are pre-programmed to ask certain questions and very rarely go off topic. Rebecca is certainly rewriting the ‘rule book’ when it comes to interviewing, in fact, I am sure she has thrown it away and her interviews are all the more inspirational for it. She and Serge Benhayon make a great team as they dissect the issues of society.

  • Michael Brown October 28, 2018   Reply →

    Who said business had to be about boring sales charts and crunching numbers…. A great video for making business about fun and taking everyone involved to the next step.

  • Nattalija October 27, 2018   Reply →

    Growing businesses or growing relationships we all live a higher level of quality to offer another in the end.

  • Lieke Campbell October 26, 2018   Reply →

    It is so true that we can only make a free choice when we know the whole truth about the product and that includes the energetic impact products have on us.

  • Michael Brown October 25, 2018   Reply →

    Business AND Evolution, not Business OR Evolution… we can have evolution in everything we do, or not!

  • Rik Connors October 20, 2018   Reply →

    Are we not (over) due for some Universal Medicine – Science, Religion, Philosophy; and not from the common corrupted un-evolving versions of Science, Religion and Philosophy we have now. All mixed in together where it is all about evolution instead of the ‘same stuff different day’ holding us back – keeping us separate – and falsely identifying that we are not all philosophers at heart ❣

    • Anonymous April 7, 2021   Reply →

      I totally agree with you,
      The workplace I am part of has had a shift in the way that everyone is seen in the company.
      The VP of Sales was to say the least brutal in their way of conducting sales. I know this wasn’t coming from them but from the parent company and because of their sensitivity they did not know how to handle the pressure and so they were in constant reaction to the pressure they were daily experiencing. They were asked to leave and now there is a new team in place, the pressure is the same to make the monthly figures irrespective of the current world downturn in business. What’s interesting is in writing this comment I have been able to step back to observe that although the team has changed and it feels more inclusive actually it’s the same energy but this time instead of being so obviously brutal, it is now wearing a kid glove, so we are tricked into thinking changes have been made, we cannot get away from the fact that unless the energy changes nothing will change.
      It comes back to ‘the same stuff just a different day’ mentality.

  • Michael Brown October 18, 2018   Reply →

    I’d love to start/run my own business, purely for the fact that from the foundation to the extremities I could do everything to ensure it is about people first.

  • Janet October 16, 2018   Reply →

    I find it incredibly inspiring to consider business and any kind of transaction of product or service from the perspective of evolution. If it is not to support us to grow and expand, what is the point?

  • Janet October 16, 2018   Reply →

    I love hearing about God and business in the one sentence, and it is super inspiring to learn about the future of business as modelled by Universal Medicine, where love, brotherhood and evolution are underlying every transaction.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 19, 2018   Reply →

      When I consider the depth and magnitude of what is presented here, it makes absolute sense that a world based on foundation contra to this would be in such a mess.

  • jennym October 16, 2018   Reply →

    The thing I love about Serge Benhayon TV is that it is relevant to our whole lives and makes you ponder what is happening at more than the superficial level.

  • Michael Brown October 12, 2018   Reply →

    When i’m at work doing business it’s amazing to me to see how much of a difference it can make in someone’s life just having a conversation about life in general or something trivial.

    • Mary March 3, 2022   Reply →

      Michael we can make a huge difference to peoples lives by just having a conversation about life in general. I met a lady recently who was recovering from cancer and I was in her company for a few hours, I didn’t say much to her, but as I was leaving she said to everyone how much she enjoyed being with me. What she could sense or feel was my settlement within myself which is the result of the workshops and presentations of Serge Benhayon put to use in supporting others to feel the possibility of the same settlement in them too, without having to say anything. We all feel energy all of the time whether we realise this or not. This lady got to feel what it is like to have a settled body and after all she had been through she was herself craving settlement.

  • Michael Brown October 10, 2018   Reply →

    Business to serve self-gaining practices will only ever end up in trouble.

    • Christoph Schnelle November 8, 2018   Reply →

      Agreed – one of the problems is that executives come and go and they may be long gone before the trouble becomes visible.

  • Nattalija October 5, 2018   Reply →

    Where else have you heard that the great success of true business is to grown one another’s business? Offering us the joy in working in the same field with another in contrast to the tit for tat games of competition and unruly greed we are seeing in our current world market.

  • Christoph Schnelle September 28, 2018   Reply →

    In business it is important to get a number of things right – looking after your customers, finding your customers, getting the price right etc. That still leaves enormous room for how we do this as many different ways to do the above well have worked in the past.

  • Michael Brown September 25, 2018   Reply →

    Make it about people and you will have all the success in your heart.

  • Carmel Reid September 23, 2018   Reply →

    As we discover more and more how harmful so many products are there may well be court cases or industries will become extinct because no-one buys their products or services any more. I like the way Serge Benhayon supports our free will in saying that what we demand will need to be made available – as long as we are not lied to – yes, good point.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh October 2, 2018   Reply →

      It would be a hugely honouring situation where those who produce, let the customers know with transparency exactly what they are getting, and where the customer knows that they are the ones providing the demand that is driving the whole thing forward. It allows everyone to be aware of what is going on, know their own responsibility and for the whole to make required changes as and when everyone is ready.

      • Janet October 16, 2018   Reply →

        Well said, Golnaz. This level of transparency in business allows us as the consumer the make informed choices and discern which quality we wish to have in, for example, our homes and our bodies.

      • Mary April 7, 2021   Reply →

        We could say the opposite of this is happening at the moment Golnaz. There is no transparency from the bigTech companies, we have no idea of what we are getting ourselves into, we have been lied to in such a way that we are demanding and the Tech companies are supplying. The conditions have been set up in such a way that there will be a demand. Restrict peoples movement add a dose of fear and you can get society to do whatever you want them to do. Our current way of life is the proof of this.

  • Michael Brown September 20, 2018   Reply →

    Much like there is a link between business and evolution, there is a clear link between consumption and evolution.

  • Hm September 20, 2018   Reply →

    Business and evolution are 2 words that don’t go together that often. The truth is that they are a perfect partnership. If we make business about people and relationship first – then the only way it can grow is If it evolves.

    • Christoph Schnelle December 7, 2018   Reply →

      This is very true.

  • Michael Brown September 17, 2018   Reply →

    We have been lied to but have willingly and knowingly accepted the lie as a truth. Who is to blame years down the line when we feel the consequences then?

    • Christoph Schnelle September 28, 2018   Reply →

      We could even be smart and manage the consequences of those lies and even do well in the world with that process but the price may well be a poverty of the heart.

  • Michael Brown September 15, 2018   Reply →

    There is always more on offer than what meets the eye.

  • Rik Connors September 12, 2018   Reply →

    I love Serge Benhayon TV. Such valuable insight even if you listen to it over and over again .. that is why you call it Ageless Wisdom definitions that make sense and are true creating a base that stands in the foundation of love and cannot be rocked but a point to expand and evolve.

  • Michael Brown September 11, 2018   Reply →

    Universal Medicine has such a great reputation because of its consistent integrity dealing with people.

  • Hm September 10, 2018   Reply →

    To be able to have a business about purpose and people first is a way to redefine how we have made business all about profit and power. There is much to be said for growing and nurturing people – what serge Benhayon presents is what we can bring into any business.

  • Mary September 9, 2018   Reply →

    I personally cannot wait for our current way of conducting business to collapse to be totally honest. I had no idea that now we have built machines that can work on the sea beds of the world and extract even more minerals and such that is need to support our current way of living. And that Scientist have already put into place patents on certain plankton and fish that live in the very deep waters around volcanic outlets because they want to profit from the properties of these creatures. At this rate there will be nothing left we will have denuded the planet and then what will we do?

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh September 6, 2018   Reply →

    When I was younger I could see that there was something deeply corrupt in humanity’s relationship to money and business, so very soon I started blaming money and business as being the root of all the evil and misery in our world. Yet, here we have a wonderful conversation that turns it all on its head. In fact I have seen the evidence in the business Universal Medicine of how business can be profoundly instrumental in deepening the love, awareness, expansion and responsibility with which people live and express.

  • Ingrid Ward September 5, 2018   Reply →

    Universal Medicine is a most unique business in this profit driven world of ours, as at the heart of its philosophy is the tenet that the business is about people first and foremost. It is a world changing way of doing business that if copied by other businesses would change the face of business as we know it. Now that would be evolutionary and very welcome by most people.

  • Jennifer Smith September 5, 2018   Reply →

    Can business grow people? Absolutely and Universal Medicine leads the way here by supporting people to grow themselves.

    • Mary April 7, 2021   Reply →

      Jennifer Smith, my understanding of the world and the energy behind everything we do and say, blows my mind. I had no idea until I met Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine just how trapped we are in our heads. That the best medicine in the world is to release ourselves from the prison of our minds and to reconnect back to our bodies. Most of us do not know that we have become floating minds as we are so out of touch with our bodies. If we can do this then the world changes completely because we are not held by the ideals, beliefs that are given to us but can feel for ourselves what is true and what is a lie. The more in touch we are with our bodies the more that gets exposed and the freer we become. We are easily lied to via our minds, connect back to our bodies and we can never be lied to again because our bodies have instant access to the universe.

  • Michael Brown September 5, 2018   Reply →

    A business provides a product or service, a business with evolution at the core provides a platform for every customer to step forward and grow.

  • Danna Elmalah September 3, 2018   Reply →

    What a business in evolution can bring — Universal Medicine does. I am in deep inspiration of what is possible to life. I had a completely false belief of what evolution was, until I came back to the Esoteric. Every since, I am deepening my understanding of what Esoteric truly is, and let go of the false layers I had put on top. These videos, basically all Serge Benhayon his teachings and revelations, ask you to step up in your Esoteric way.

  • Carmel September 2, 2018   Reply →

    How much do we check the integrity of people and companies who supply us with products and services? Many international beverages are produced using child or slave labour such as tea and cocoa. Does our economy contribute to our evolution? Great question.

  • Michael Brown September 1, 2018   Reply →

    Where business looks after evolution first, true success is found.

  • Lorraine Wellman August 31, 2018   Reply →

    The depths of what is offered in these episodes is incredible, I could watch these episodes over and over again, so much is packed into each segment.

    • Vanessa McHardy September 2, 2018   Reply →

      Absolutely this one in particular goes into such depth but shows that everything is interconnected and comes down to the quality of our lived days.

  • Shami August 31, 2018   Reply →

    This opening statement by Serge Benhayon, where is describes what Universal Medicine is, is incredible. And personally I really love the way he brings in the ancient part of our origins as being the future of our health and wellbeing, and even our evolution. How amazing that these two words can mean so much and hold us all so beautifully. Which really takes out any possibility that this organisation could be interested in self-gain.

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