Episode 11 - Obesity, Big Sugar and The Intelligence of Space

Obesity as usual is all over the news… and with diabetes sufferers currently registering as the 3rd largest nation on Earth, it’s little wonder. The finger of blame is increasingly pointed at the sugar industry, but is it so simple that just banning sugar – or at least limiting its intake – would provide an easy fix for this seemingly intractable problem that threatens to overwhelm health systems worldwide?

The consumer must surely play a part . . . but that simply leads to the supply/demand conundrum that has already been exhaustively studied.

In this interview, Serge Benhayon goes to unplumbed depths to explain why the simple dictum, “Just give up sugar”, is entirely futile. It has been tried, over and over, and it has failed dismally.

Serge explains that without addressing the being that resides in the body, and forming strategies to circumvent its control over the body itself, you are simply whistling in the wind when it comes to control over your impulses. And for those who remain agnostic, Serge provides a simple exercise that can clearly demonstrate the energy that is influencing your every choice – and just how irresistible it is.

If you thought that this interview on obesity would take you into the world of gastric-band surgery, fad diets, or government funded health campaigns, you’ve got the wrong channel.

Sit up, pay attention to every word, stay connected, and Serge and Rebecca will take you where very few have ventured to answer a question that is far more than a health issue, but goes to the very nature of our being…


  • Michael Brown September 11, 2018   Reply →

    When will we stop to look at the way we are living? All it takes is a drop of honesty to change the ships course.

  • Michael Brown September 7, 2018   Reply →

    Which intelligence do we choose – the sugar or the universe?

  • Caroline Francis September 7, 2018   Reply →

    Unless I move in way that is true for me then quite simply every move I make is not from who I truly am. My movements are either based on long, held diminishing behaviours in reaction to people, situations, events – everything that is on the outside of me or they come from me and my connection to my body and innermost.

  • Rowena Stewart September 5, 2018   Reply →

    I love the way Serge Benhayon lifts the subject into a whole new sphere of understanding. When we are empowered to understand that the only reason such industries exist is because we have created the demand for them immediately cuts down any need to protest or campaign against them, all we need do is address the root causes within us that create the demand. End of story, end of industry.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh September 8, 2018   Reply →

      It is brilliant when the level of understanding, awareness and responsibility is taken to this level. If what Serge Benhayon presents is applied throughout life, so many of our world’s issues would sort themselves out in no time whatsoever.

  • Natalie Hawthorne September 4, 2018   Reply →

    This is what I love about Serge Benhayon and the philosophical approach to life, identifying the surface as just that but always no matter what going deeper and looking at the root cause of issues. To address it at the base level, heal this and the outplay be it overeating or whatever the suppressor starts to change without you even trying to fix it.

    • Gabriele Conrad September 22, 2018   Reply →

      And in this, the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom on the spirit and the Soul make sense and explain what is behind our conundrums, what is the root cause of all our afflictions and problems.

  • Michael Brown September 3, 2018   Reply →

    How is it that we have poverty and malnutrition but an extraordinary amount of obesity too? Seeing our success in problem solving, the only answer left is that we want it to be this way…

  • Lorraine Wellman September 1, 2018   Reply →

    Serge Benhayon brings in understanding on sugar to a very deep level, right back to spirit and soul, back to the internal power struggle with our wayward spirit.

  • Michael Brown September 1, 2018   Reply →

    Once you know energy, to forget it exists requires a decent amount of force.

  • Elizabeth Dolan August 31, 2018   Reply →

    Serge Benhayon presents the truth about obesity without any react or judgement. This is the only way we will be able to deal with the obesity crisis we currently have.

  • Jennifer Smith August 31, 2018   Reply →

    I agree with what Serge Benhayon has shared here on medicating to subdue our power and our responsibility. I can personally relate to this. I masterfully use food to do this very thing. I use it to dull what I am feeling. Its essentially an addiction, no different that someone who may chose to use alcohol or other substances. But I am not trying to not feel how hurt I have been through life, for me at this point is about not feeling the power that comes through when I am connected to me in full or my soul, which feels totally amazing by the way. Its quite a learning to observe this honestly and observe the ramifications for my choices.

  • Lorraine Wellman August 28, 2018   Reply →

    Serge Benhayon brings more facts and wisdom for people to understand what is truly going on, like how our choice of energy goes on to affect our choices.

  • Michael Brown August 26, 2018   Reply →

    Be it food or emotions, there is always a root cause, a movement if you will, that is behind the choice.

  • Christoph Schnelle August 26, 2018   Reply →

    There is a slowly increasing push for taxes on sugar and, like with taxes on cigarettes, they may even work in reducing consumption of sugar and perhaps even reduce obesity. However, at least in the US, a constant 80% of the population engage in harmful lifestyles and, over the last 50 years, simply switched from smoking to obesity.
    If it becomes harder to be obese, what would be next? Even more tattoos, more gaming, more screen time?

  • Michael Brown August 24, 2018   Reply →

    The big sugar industry is a vast entity in our society, but we must understand that it was made not by martians, but by all of us, the consumers and contributors.

  • Lorraine Wellman August 24, 2018   Reply →

    This is groundbreaking TV, so sit up and pay attention, you may well hear the answers to problems that science has been trying to fathom out for years.

    • Gabriele Conrad September 22, 2018   Reply →

      There is an immediacy when we live from our whole body that far outdoes and leaves behind any knowledge and tick boxes we hold in our head.

  • Joshua Campbell August 23, 2018   Reply →

    Whatever excuse or method we come up with to make it all look OK, will never change the fact that we are still choosing to be irresponsible by avoiding living who we truly are and that such a choice will incur its corrective karma.

  • Lieke Campbell August 23, 2018   Reply →

    I love how this is going deep because what we have been doing until now clearly is not working because the people with obesity are not suddenly loosing weight even though the connection between emotions and childhood trauma have been known for quite some time. This show there is more for us to look at and basically stop playing small as we just simply are so much more than we are currently thinking.

  • Michael Brown August 20, 2018   Reply →

    As long as we do not want to read what is truly going on in life, w will continue to pile the sugar in. The sugar is not what needs to be addressed, it’s our insatiable quench for comfort that needs to be unpicked and unravelled.

    • Christoph Schnelle November 3, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, the consumption of sugar is a consequence of other choices so we need the short-term energy and numbing that sugar provides. We could use something else as well but sugar is cheap and ubiquitous.

  • Karin Barea August 20, 2018   Reply →

    This is just the most amazing TV with constant gold being spoken. So inspiring to drop the mediocrity of eating sugar, that any buzz it may give is nothing when we could be feeling the wonders of the universe that is constantly passing through us.

  • Jonathan Stewart August 17, 2018   Reply →

    The exposing the myth of the human condition for all humanities harming behaviours eliminates the excuse for them and firmly brings it back to the fact there existence is a product of our lack of responsibility.

  • Fiona L August 15, 2018   Reply →

    Its great how Rebecca brings in the everyday thoughts about things like space. We do see it as the bits of ‘nothingness’ in between ‘things’ rather than the ‘everythingness’ that is holding multiple suns.

  • Fiona L August 15, 2018   Reply →

    I love the way Serge Benhayon reminds us not to jump into an issue, take sides and get lost in complexity. Although the sugar industry is supplying something that is not good for our bodies, we the consumers have a thirst for it, so we have a huge responsibility. Understanding that we use sugar to dull the voice of the body and the power we can feel through it, is vital to understand the obesity crisis. People stop having a problem with food when they stop having a problem with who they are.

    • Lorraine Wellman August 23, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, it is always important to see what our part and responsibility in something has been.

  • Karin Barea August 15, 2018   Reply →

    This goes way beyond talking about obesity and sugar/food addiction and presents the grandness we try to avoid by numbing out, dulling down through food. This has blown my mind and all consideration that it is food we have the issue with. Introduce the big picture and I can see how food is just the means to an end, the end being not living in my brilliance. Oh and there’s so much more here too.

  • Rik Connors August 13, 2018   Reply →

    “The problem is with who we truly are, not our problems” Serge Benhayon. If I heard this growing up I would of settled to understand and surrendered to who I truly was. Its a typical gold piece of wisdom from our World teacher Serge Benhayon.

  • Shevon Simon August 13, 2018   Reply →

    An excellent TV programme that I am watching again for the second time. Where else do we get such wisdom today but from Serge Benhayon.

    It is so easy to see and understand this worldwide epidemic of Obesity that our medical profession cannot explain having watched this.

    We are avoiding who we truly are and deep down I am sure every person in the world would agree to this and also attest to the hurts that have been in the way.

    However what the Ageless Wisdom here is presenting is that we do not have to stay stuck in that and that we can come out of it. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have been presenting on this for the last 19 years and many people have healed being Overweight and Obese and I have seen the evidence myself. I cannot deny that this is real and that what Serge is presenting if embraced works.

  • Michael Brown August 13, 2018   Reply →

    Obesity is one of those things that is a stark reminder of the fact that something is severely wrong here.

    • Christoph Schnelle August 26, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, previously it was smoking. Now it is obesity. Will it be mental illness from excessive screen use in the future?

  • Rebecca August 12, 2018   Reply →

    I love the simplicity Serge brings to discussions that are made so complex, intense and tense – he brings it back to something that is not personal or an attach on any one person but an explanation of our collective responsibility

  • Michael Brown August 10, 2018   Reply →

    Love this – It is up to us to stop craving sugar not for companies to stop producing it. Otherwise what would our next step up for the craving look like?

  • Christoph Schnelle August 9, 2018   Reply →

    There is more and more evidence that it is sugar rather than fat that physically makes us obese. It is quite counterintuitive that all those ‘lite’ foods low in fat and high in sugar are the harming ones while nuts and olive oil and other fats are quite innocent.

  • Andrew Mooney August 8, 2018   Reply →

    It is fascinating to consider that our health and medicine is far bigger than just the physical body but that there is an energetic aspect or spiritual aspect at play that is affecting the physical body and that true medicine or healing needs to address this spiritual aspect.

    • Jonathan Stewart August 17, 2018   Reply →

      The validity of what you propose Andrew is repeatedly demonstrated by the health of who are treated by members of the Esoteric Practitioner’s Association in conjunction with orthodox medicine and live a life based on the principles of The Way of The Livingness.

  • Julie Matson August 8, 2018   Reply →

    What stood out from the section of the interview I listened to was the bit about feeling hunger pains and are we actually hungry or is something coming up that we have been trying to suppress. This brings into question how much of our food do we eat to suppress what we feel?

    • Karin Barea August 15, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, it’s really worth reflecting on this. I see it in everyday life and with myself, people stress eating to keep anxiety at bay.

  • Hm August 8, 2018   Reply →

    The fact that there is so much more to our choices than ‘just because we feel like it’ is key to be explored. If we are willing to see the energy behind our choices, what we are saying yes too and how this plays out in our lives, we have a much deeper understanding of why we behave the way we do.

  • Natalie Hawthorne August 7, 2018   Reply →

    Wow over millions of years of exploring free will that we then arrive in the physical form. So how long has it actually been, because if we look at when life started that’s a long time ago. If we look were we are today we are creating a way of being that is so far from our essence that it is going to take something pretty enormous to shake us out of such a waywardness. Health and Wellness is showing that the way we are living is not it, what else do we want to happen before we say ok enough.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh August 29, 2018   Reply →

      We have a huge section of the health system trained to work with the psychological and emotional aspect of life to deal with issues in life. Yet there is still a lack of acceptance and understanding about the power of the body on a particle level to support us back to a settled, empowered and harmonious relationship with life and hence outside of Universal Medicine I have seen very little focus so far on offering this kind of support..

  • Samantha Davidson August 7, 2018   Reply →

    We consume, we are the consumers, if it did not sell, it would not be sold….we need to go there and feel the depth of our unrest and tension and not discount that we know otherwise. We are energetic beings first, but the body needs to be supported and loved to live all that the being is, the body is a vehicle that we are here to support and live from, not abuse.

  • Michael Brown August 4, 2018   Reply →

    It is symbolic that we do not truly care, that obesity can be so high but we continue buying more food than ever before.

    • Janet September 20, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, Michael, when Serge presents that the ‘wanton spirit’ is out of control, we cannot but agree because the state of our bodies (and minds) exposes the truth of it.

    • David December 12, 2018   Reply →

      Indeed Michael, but when we love our food more than truth or feeling the magnificence we are that is but the result.

  • Jennifer Smith July 30, 2018   Reply →

    I love what Serge Benhayon shared about using food to escape our power and not feel who we truly are. I know this to be true for me. For example, if I have an amazing day at work, where the day has flowed and I have been present for the whole day with clients and colleagues and am not disturbed by something that happens out of the blue, I can still come home and overeat, eat sugary foods etc. It seems weird to overeat to numb feeling how amazing I have felt all day, but I do and I am certainly not hungry. Its quite incredible to observe this because basically, I am watching a spirit, who is wanting to delay as much as possible its return to a soulful way of being.

    • Stephanie Stevenson August 16, 2018   Reply →

      I can totally relate to this Jennifer – being fully present and everything is harmonious and focussed in the day – ‘too good to be true’ whispers that voice in the mind and reaching for the sugar to not feel the tension of lived delay – easily dulls down our amazingness.

  • Jennifer Smith July 28, 2018   Reply →

    The depth of this conversation is exquisite. Our choice in food is so much more than the perfect diet. We clearly calculate what we eat based on how we want to measure our own awareness and how deeply we wish to connect to our soul.

  • Michael Brown July 27, 2018   Reply →

    It is society not the companies that are the ‘big sugar’, as so well explained in this interview.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh July 26, 2018   Reply →

    We are not stupid and we are not weak minded. If that was why we keep perpetuating behaviours that are damaging to our health, the numerous ways we have tried to help people who are addicted or dependant on something might have paid off. Obesity would by now no longer be through the roof. But the picture we see tells us that there is something else going on. Isn’t it time we paid much more attention to such wisdom as is shared here by Serge Benhayon?

  • Matilda Bathurst July 23, 2018   Reply →

    When we look at problems superficially and try and fix them from there, we miss the cores issues and causes for our wayward choices.

  • Rowena Stewart July 22, 2018   Reply →

    Proper Soul TV through and through. Only watch this if you want the real answers to Life, The Universe and our real purpose here on Earth.

  • Jennifer Smith July 21, 2018   Reply →

    Its so important to explore for ourselves the reasons why we eat what we eat. We will find a whole range of unresolved emotions, ideal and beliefs that all at the end of the day are harming our bodies, no matter how ‘healthy’ or ‘good for us’ the foods may be.

  • Michael Brown July 18, 2018   Reply →

    How can we consider ourselves intelligent when the Universe is demonstrating non-stop that there is SO MUCH MORE. Pure arrogance.

  • Rowena Stewart July 18, 2018   Reply →

    I for one was definitely propping up the sugar industry prior to meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Weaning myself off the product was not about discipline and will power, never a strong point of mine, but in being prepared to face my hurts, rejection issues and self-loathing supported by the immensely powerful, compassionate Universal Healing Modalities on offer. Once faced, felt and released from my body, the hurts that were driving the sugar addiction gently melted away proving that if we focus on the inner causes behind our negative behaviours, our external habits naturally correct themselves.

  • HM July 18, 2018   Reply →

    Supply and demand comes up again as something we have to fundamentally look at as a society. What we crave is offered to us until such point we make a different choice.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh July 23, 2018   Reply →

      Oh how we love to point the finger and act as if we have had nothing to do with the ills we are seeing. I love the way Serge Benhayon keeps inviting us to go deeper and how such a process invariably reveals that we are not the victims that we often imagine ourselves to be.

  • Rachael Evans July 16, 2018   Reply →

    This interview is completely ground breaking. In less than an hour Serge answered everything that ‘science’ is looking for to stop obesity and the other related ‘life-style diseases’ that come from sugar. I wonder how much money is actually spent on research year after year when all we actually need to address is our relationship with ourselves and the depth of love and wisdom that we are all connected to.

    • Janet September 21, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, Rachael, it would seem that we as a society look in every direction for answers apart from where the truth lies…within ourselves.

  • Jonathan Stewart July 16, 2018   Reply →

    “Sit up, pay attention to every word, stay connected, and Serge and Rebecca will take you where very few have ventured to answer a question that is far more than a health issue, but goes to the very nature of our being…” As a classic TV series used to say, ‘To venture where no man has gone before’, in this case Serge and Rebecca take us to universes of understanding not previously explored by humanity that explain so much of the human condition.

  • Rowena Stewart July 15, 2018   Reply →

    “Going all the way” with Serge Benhayon means dropping out of the normal realms of victimhood, blame, excuses and avoidance into the real crux of the matter, our relationship with our soul and our dogged resistence to living in accordance with the immense love that we are.

    • Nattalija August 6, 2018   Reply →

      The game of avoidance is thick and fast! There are so many excuses lived that keep us in the drama and complication of life, what joy and simplicity is a simple breath away!

  • HM July 14, 2018   Reply →

    So fascinating to hear this and to also have a ‘brown out’ when Serge talks about being in our essence. It shows once more that the spirit is a huge part of us that knows how to manipulate the body. But when we truly connect to the soul, so much comes through us, and there is no individuality.

  • Jonathan Stewart July 13, 2018   Reply →

    I love how Serge when discussing any topic, whether it be obesity, drugs, sex, education, love, etc., he always brings a perspective that is not the norm which brings understanding to those subjects that have perplexed humanity for centuries.

    • Christoph Schnelle August 9, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, and it is everybody’s choice to check for themselves whether that understanding makes sense for them personally and whether it works.

  • Jonathan Stewart July 13, 2018   Reply →

    The simplicity with which Serge Benhayon communicates the understanding of the Spirit makes comprehending the complexities of life common sense.

  • Rowena Stewart July 13, 2018   Reply →

    I love how Rebecca and Serge go ‘all the way’ with this subject and hence head into the heart of the matter of why we seek medication in the form of sugar in the first place. It just confirms to me that the world we live in today sits on a foundation of medication and indulgence that we have created in order to avoid our most fundamental responsibility, to connect with our soul and live in obedience to our immense wisdom, love and integrity.

  • Rowena Stewart July 13, 2018   Reply →

    It is true. If we fully resolve our need for sugar, the demand naturally falls away. I know personally that the more I have connected to my sacredness inside and its deep sweetness, the less I have needed to seek a substitute for it in my diet or the outside world.

  • Michael Brown July 12, 2018   Reply →

    Pretty much everything contains sugar now, not just sweets but all manner of savoury items now contain added sugar to some degree.

  • Rowena Stewart July 11, 2018   Reply →

    Once again Serge Benhayon turns the conversation on its head, steering it well away from the usual approach of blaming the outside world right back to the internal power struggle between our Divine Souls and our wayward spirits. Serge Benhayon plonks all the answers right in front of us, again and again, showing us that the way home is through connecting and honouring the bodies we live in and in doing so, how we hold the power of resurrection, not the Sugar Industry.

  • Rik Connors July 9, 2018   Reply →

    Serge Benhayon and Rebecca Asquith at their best .. what can you say after that but glorify The Livingness and the intelligence always on offer through the body (not from the body). I love the ancient wisdom and the fact presented how our future is running through us all the time every time. We are space and from space bigger than the SUN.
    This interview captures the wisdom of the Soul so very well. It is a great testament to every presentation I have attended with Serge Benhayon — wisdom is alwasy delivered immersing you in clarity on what personally you sit with and how ’stuff’ holding you back just does not belong. Thus is the exquisite representation of the Soul and the awareness it brings, and I thought I was always hungry Huh!

  • Shami July 9, 2018   Reply →

    This is so amazing, what Serge Benhayon talks about here. How there is not a need to focus on the problem to come up with solutions, but rather to begin to consider the fact that we could be very powerful, beautiful and sensitive beings who are looking to avoid living that in full responsibility.

  • Lucy Dahill July 9, 2018   Reply →

    It is time to consider the extra-ordinary in the ordinary and start living this in our lives.

  • Danna Elmalah July 9, 2018   Reply →

    I absolutely agree with all that is shared in this interview. A very powerful message that we have indeed not been willing to receive as a humanity.
    Thank you for sharing what is so valuable – love in its true philosophy and true connection. Lets take on board what has been shared..

  • Carmel Reid July 8, 2018   Reply →

    This is a great episode for understanding the shenanigans of the Spirit and to see where we can avoid getting to know who we truly are

  • Natalie Hawthorne July 8, 2018   Reply →

    Serge and Rebecca are on fire, this episode is worth gold and just love the joy that is felt with the absolute truth and multidimensionality that Space is offering us all.

  • Nico van Haastrecht July 7, 2018   Reply →

    Because we have given the spirit power above being deeply connected to our body, it is able to control us in many more ways then we are aware off while it even makes us to belief that we are it and not from the cunningness of the spirit that has a complete other agenda.

  • Nico van Haastrecht July 7, 2018   Reply →

    There is a life to be lived, in which we can explore that there is another, more natural to us way of living possible then we are taught. We are amazing human beings that are able to live in harmony as multidimensional beings and it is worth to move on with this and to give it our all as it is our destined destination, we can only accelerate or delay it by our movement.

  • Tricia Nicholson July 7, 2018   Reply →

    The understanding awareness and rawness of this revolutionary look at the subject of sugar and obesity and the depth of what we are all shying away from is beautifully shared here with a realness that we can all learn from and bring to our lives with the truth of what is really going on and our choices with this.

  • HM July 7, 2018   Reply →

    I love hearing what is behind why we crave sugar – and why our spirit wants to control the body by making it out of control – using anything to take us out of being present. It makes sense to what is truly going on and gives us the ability to look at what is behind so-called cravings. If we can look at not having a problem with who we truly are and be responsible with how we are living.

  • Marianna July 7, 2018   Reply →

    What I liked was the explanation that was offered regarding what in fact drives our choices. We think it is “us” that makes the conscious or not so conscious choices in our day to day lives and we believe we have an explanation as to why – BUT little do we think that we are, in many instances, being driven away from our greater, Divine, inner aspect, (our Soul) AND in fact that is what we are actively choosing, “thinking” within the more comfortable confines of our physical world.

  • Mary July 6, 2018   Reply →

    I so appreciate Rebecca’s honesty when she explains that she has a ‘brown out’ that basically she doesn’t want to hear what Serge is presenting and so switches off. And this happens to us all a lot of the time. I have had experiences where I have felt very sleepy in some presentations and I know it is this part of me that does not want to be exposed in running the body contra to how it should be living. I am only just starting to be aware that there is another energy that is in control of my body. So my question has to be why are we not taught about energy from day dot. Why have we allowed this knowing to be subverted to such an extent that it has been lost to us? To the point that when I raise this fascinating subject in conversation people think that I’m some sort of lunatic that’s off her head?
    But what Serge Benhayon is representing is not new it was known by the ancient Greeks and other cultures thousands of years ago, and yet here we are living in a so called ‘modern society’ that is completely devoid of this understanding of our bodies and the energies that run them? Why is this?

    • Matilda Bathurst July 23, 2018   Reply →

      It is amazing to consider what is happening when we ‘brown out’ – and if we can be honest when we do, it is revealed that we are avoiding the responsibility of living the fullness of who we are.

  • Mary July 6, 2018   Reply →

    This is a huge topic to discuss and what struck me is the honesty that Rebecca has when she says we are eating out of control to avoid feeling something and then goes on to explain that research has shown that there is a trigger usually a hurt that has not been dealt with. So is this why the modalities of Universal Medicine are so successful because they support people to look at the hurt and the painful experiences and in getting to the ‘nitty gritty’ of the issue so to say then the problems just melt away. I know from my own experience with Universal Medicine modalities that this is true and life then become so much freer as there seems to be more space to breathe.

  • Matilda Bathurst July 5, 2018   Reply →

    Another 56 minutes of absolute gold from Serge and Rebecca… if we are ready to go there and open ourselves up to some universal intelligence it is all here on offer.

  • Nico van Haastrecht July 5, 2018   Reply →

    It is a collective responsibility to look at the role we give sugar in our world. We actually do not need it to keep a healthy and vital body, so there must be an another reason why there is a high demand for it and therefore it is wise to look at this episode as it reveals many of the hidden and unseen movements that makes us go for the sugar and do not choose for the truth in life.

    • Lucy Dahill July 9, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, if we simply blame sugar something else will be needed to take its place. To consider the role sugar plays and why we use it / need it is the only way to then understand how to heal that which has called for the crutch in the first place.

  • Fumiyo Egashira July 5, 2018   Reply →

    I am just amazed at how this interview begins with talking about obesity, then ends up talking about evolution and the intelligence that we have access to but are not choosing. No holding back whatsoever. Very revealing of how our usually approach of problem/reaction/solution model is tunnel-visioned and would not change anything.

  • Natalie Hawthorne July 4, 2018   Reply →

    This is one extraordinary episode and the way Serge and Rebecca kept going deeper and deeper is the simple testiment that Space is Everything. Such a great inspiration in connecting to what is on offer, what we are apart of and where we come from.

    • Golnaz Shariatzadeh July 8, 2018   Reply →

      It is remarkable how when we choose to open up, deepen our understanding and truly go there with any topic, we are destined to eventually consider and connect to the stupendousness of our true essence. Wonderful how Serge Benhayon’s presentations support us, if we choose it, to speed up this process.

  • Jennifer Smith July 4, 2018   Reply →

    I love how Serge speaks about who we are, our essence and life with such depth, but in a way that is very simple and applicable to life. I could listen to this over and over.

    • David September 19, 2018   Reply →

      Jennifer agree fully – the depth of wisdom is incredible and yet the simplicity is there throughout.

  • Natalie Hawthorne July 4, 2018   Reply →

    Wowzers Serge if you can sum up your book on Space with such depth and enormity imagine what the book has in it!

  • Melinda Knights July 2, 2018   Reply →

    Listening to Serge there is always the opportunity to learn so much. What was particularly humbling was the information about space, that it’s not just intelligence but also the atmic body of a number of beings. That’s what we live and move in, and the awareness of this brings an incredible sacredness to life and to ourselves.

  • Jennifer Smith July 2, 2018   Reply →

    Although the presentation of what is spirit and what is soul simple, it takes time, commitment and a willingness to observe, to understand how this plays out in our own lives.

    • Nico van Haastrecht July 5, 2018   Reply →

      Indeed Jennifer, although we think we understand spirit and soul with the mind, we have to be very carefully because the spirit has its own trickery to avoid being recognised in our every day life.

  • Natalie Hawthorne July 2, 2018   Reply →

    From young I have known that what is going on around me was not what was really going on, however with everything around us saying that your not it, that you need to be something else is where we totally loose sight of any essence that we know to be true and who we truly are.

  • Michael Brown July 1, 2018   Reply →

    This interview is so beautifully open and uncut, just how all should be.

    • Matilda Bathurst July 5, 2018   Reply →

      Yes, humble and real, this interview is an open invitation to us all to explore our relationship with space and responsibility.

  • Nattalija July 1, 2018   Reply →

    Bringing truth to all the excuse we use to stop ourselves from feeling the true power we all hold within.

  • Joseph Barker July 1, 2018   Reply →

    These videos ought to be watched by the whole world. Yet the fact that they are not (yet) is not down to restricted access but the reality that for most fight and resist the truth in life.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh June 30, 2018   Reply →

    I love how Serge Benhayon presents. He says it as is and does not hold back from exposing anything that goes against love and care of all humanity for the rot that it perpetuates. But he does not stop there and it is never about doom and gloom nor pointing the finger. He always inspires a far deeper observation of what is at play, which offers a greater sense of humility, responsibility, possibility and empowerment.

  • Ingrid Ward June 29, 2018   Reply →

    What a riveting episode this is from the wisdom shared about sugar, the spirit and the soul. The way Serge Benhayon explains the difference between spirit and soul is so refreshing and makes so much sense of the so-called challenges of life, which now I realise were, in the main, at the instigation of my spirit. How very different my life would have been if this had been shared with me as a young child.

  • Joseph Barker June 29, 2018   Reply →

    What started out as a simple chat about obesity ends up blowing your mind and presenting the truth about the whole of life. But this is par for the course with any talk with Serge. He goes to the essence of everything.

    • Ingrid Ward July 4, 2018   Reply →

      I too love the directions this interview took, covering so many topics, so much wisdom shared and so much joy in the interviewing from Rebecca Asquith and the life-changing answers from Serge Benhayon. I felt it went on forever but not for one moment was I bored or wanted to walk away from the screen. More in depth interviews like this please.

    • Rowena Stewart July 19, 2018   Reply →

      So true Joseph, all in and all the way, Serge Benhayon takes us straight to the heart of the matter every time, no beating about the bush. True education in all forms, presented by a man who walks his talk to the hilt.

  • Carmel Reid June 29, 2018   Reply →

    ‘We eat to muffle our sadness’ this is so true, we don’t eat because we are hungry, most of us eat for the effect the food has on our vibration, and our ability to feel.

  • kehinde james June 28, 2018   Reply →

    Another layer uncovered: obesity is not simply a reponse to past hurts and abuse, but from not truly living the brilliance of who we are and this is the greatest hurt of all.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh June 28, 2018   Reply →

    Wow there is so much covered by Serge Benhayon and Rebecca Asquith here. It is so significant that it is never about mind control and forcing yourself to change your behaviour. As always Serge Benhayon’s presentation invites us to observe what we see in life as a reflection of our chosen relationship with the expression of our true essence. Not as an ideal, dogma or even a belief, but as a deepening understanding of the energetic dynamics that go on behind the scene.

  • Jennifer Smith June 28, 2018   Reply →

    “We know more about everything, than at any other time in the world, and yet our problems are still escalating” What Serge Benhayon has said here is something worth stopping and considering. If we know more about everything, we have to ask ourselves how much does this level of knowledge really provide support to everyone. I recall in my own life needing to complete course after course I thought this would be of a greater support. But it only put me in a place where I continually doubted myself because I didn’t know enough, therefore stimulating my need to do more and more. Knowledge is not the be all and end all because we have to look at the whole picture. Does having knowledge help be more loving with people in my life, including myself? Does it assist me in develop an honest way of expressing all that is to be expressed? It certainly did none of that for me.

  • Joshua Campbell June 27, 2018   Reply →

    I am sure I am not the only one who finds what Serge shares can be quite confronting but equally empowering. We can choose to react to what he shares and resist and fight and even retaliate but what value does that bring anyone? This world is loaded with lies and the best place to start is to be honest with how much we have let ourselves be fouled by them.

    • Michael Brown October 23, 2018   Reply →

      Buttons get pushed for sure, but they can be the button we need to go up a floor on our metaphorical elevator of life 🙂

  • Peta Lehane June 27, 2018   Reply →

    Such a joy to watch this as I did the dishes this evening…my whole body feels the expansion of all that was brought through space in this very beautiful exchange, an interview par excellence. Thank you both.

  • Lieke Campbell June 27, 2018   Reply →

    This explains why we can eat something that makes us feel more tired and heavy after we have eaten it than before. There is no logic to this and actually it is really clearly not wise but as long as we keep going we won’t see it or are choosing to not see it by the way we move.

  • Jennifer Smith June 27, 2018   Reply →

    OMG…This conversation is a keeper. I adore everything in this episode. Starting with our relationship with food to then discussing what really is space and the everything in between. Both Serge and Rebecca have reach a new point in this amazing series. This is true education.

  • Michael Brown June 27, 2018   Reply →

    I love how Serge brings it back to the responsibility of the consumer.

    • Matilda Bathurst July 5, 2018   Reply →

      Waking us up to the part we all play in everything, yes very cool.

  • Jennifer Smith June 27, 2018   Reply →

    I love the explanation of our relationship with food. In fact how often do we sit and talk about the fact that we all have a relationship with food and then, what is the quality of that relationship? How do we use food, or should I say how do we allow the spirit within to use the food we consume? This exquisite conversation invites a deeper look into why, how and what we eat, and asks us to consider what we are choosing to eat and why.

  • Joshua Campbell June 26, 2018   Reply →

    Wow! What more can be said? Serge has basically answered all our questions about who we are, where we come from, why we are here, why life is so upside down for most and why nothing makes sense. Whether we like to humble up to the facts presented or not, does not change the truth.

  • Leigh Matson June 26, 2018   Reply →

    I’d agree in that whenever my diet goes off the rails, theres a feeling of tension and underneath that theres a feeling of beauty and amazingness within me to be aware of that I had chosen to avoid.

  • rosanna bianchini June 26, 2018   Reply →

    The root cause of obesity, psychology of the spirit, True Movement and living the future now, Rebecca and Serge really go there, love the conversational style, honesty, exposés and love between these two.

  • Stephanie Stevenson June 26, 2018   Reply →

    Wow…Phenomenal, powerful interview between Rebecca Asquith and Serge Benhayon diving deep to bring wisdom, clarity and insight of the power that our spirit has in controlling our movements to keep us capped from being the grand, multidimensional beings we are in truth. This will be replayed and enjoyed many times over for a deeper understanding of this truth in the body.

  • Golnaz Shariatzadeh June 26, 2018   Reply →

    It is remarkable how when looking to expand our understanding of any issue in life, the thread always eventually leads to the need to deepen our awareness of the difference between spirit and Soul and how this impacts human life. I love how Serge Benhyaon’s presentations so simply and clearly offer the clues and the space that help unravel the complicated ideals and beliefs we may hold and go deeper.

    • Jennifer Smith January 2, 2019   Reply →

      Serge explains it in so many ways, so very simply, constantly reminding us of this truth. But given that we have ignored this for so long, it takes a while before we can embody this teaching as simple as basic as it is.

  • Rowena Stewart June 26, 2018   Reply →

    Sugar is a deadly substance. Not only is it highly addictive, it strips our body of vital nutrients, attacks our teeth and gums, crashes our blood sugar balance and over-rides our hormone system. Weaning myself off it has been one of the best decisions ever made and all made possible by learning how to connect to my body and become aware of the real consequences of consuming this lethal substance. When we are supported to care for our being-ness within, it can radically change the quality of our health as we begin to refine what we consume based on how it makes us feel.

    • jennym August 4, 2018   Reply →

      Not only do we need to get honest about how sugar makes us feel we need to acknowledge how the raciness it causes shuts down our awareness to what is really going on.

    • hm December 13, 2018   Reply →

      Sugar is an addictive substance and we ignor the cocequences until it really hits us.

  • Caroline Francis June 26, 2018   Reply →

    Isn’t it beautiful when we feel the root cause for the reason we eat sugar? As I begin to live again since I was a child the power of who I truly am, I am learning to be aware of when another tries to cut me down… the energy of supremacy. It can be sneaky and shocking but it can come through anyone including those you least expect. It is about reading and seeing everything as energy and not because of who the person is in terms of looks, relationship in the past or what they can do.

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